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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 356     Entry time: 07 Sep 2022, 10:43
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 07.09.2022 
General Announcement:
- With respect to the X-ray delivery parameters table: it is pre-filled with parameters agreed during the scheduling of user program. 
Should any deviation from the original parameters occur, this has to be discussed with XO to be seen if that can be accommodated. Please do not consider it just as communication and being granted.
- Manuel I. says the commissioning of mirrors for SXP will happen this FD week and they will try to bring beam inside experimental hutch.

- Reminder that interruption on data logger access today due to Influx-DB maintenance;
- Issue with PP-laser has been discussed yesterday and is under investigation by LAS if proposed solution is feasible.

- Off line calibration update today taking place: with 15-20 min downtime.

- Investigating the digitizer artefacts from SQS.
- PLC team will recalibrate slits in SA3 tomorrow.
- Meeting in cw38 is scheduled for the timing issues with PP-laser.

- Nothing to report.

- All XPD devices are fine;
- Follow-up from SCS / access right in XGMs: The access rights for instruments were changed. This shall impede one instrument accessing controls for another beamline XGMs. 
Similar mistakes as seen last weekend shall not happen anymore.

- Nothing to report.

- Follow up with GPFS problems last Tuesday at MID: something new was found this time and an update will be done in SA2 today (shall be unnoticed by users) and tested tomorrow. If successful to SA2 then it 
goes deployed to SA1 later.

- Not present.

- Meeting is set with P. Gessler and Tim Wilksen.
- Test tomorrow in SA1 taking place (trigger delay device).

- Nothing to report.

- All fine.

- Nothing to report.

- XO can expect cw38 beam parameters this evening.

- Needs to move mirrors to Platinum strip this week for the next week run at 18keV. Naresh K. comments on the HXRSS studies this weekend at different photon energies and will communicate with XRO and HED 
on a strategy.

- Announcement that end station will be moved inside the hutch on Friday or Monday.
- On the local power outage: reason is found and understood.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00