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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 35     Entry time: 24 Apr 2019, 10:05
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 24.04.19  


  • SPB/SFX is preparing for the upcoming beamtime.
  • CRL motors being tested. --> Still ongoing.
  • CSS interlock tests being planned for tomorrow. --> Still ongoing.
  • AE needs to know when Loop 9 and 10 are expected to run. SPB to check.


  • AE needs to get information on PLCs loop splitting. FXE to comment. 
  • Loop 6 is required to drive 2 servo motors. BB will try to bring this into operation this week. NC checked the setup.


  • AE still needs priorities for the next loops. SQS to comment.


  • Discussion with EET ongoing concerning the installation of cables for end stations. Space problem. --> This is a long term issue, to be discussed in the other meetings, ongoing.
  • Commissioning of the motion is ongoing. JT is fixing particular motors / issues.
  • Further testing is including interlocks, vacuum and chiller.
  • Loop 12 is supposed to be up & running by the end of next week


  • For Loop 9 CY is preparing a change request. AE involved. --> still pending
  • Loop 12 will be operable this week --> an 100V input is needed, but not readily available. To be checked by AE.
  • Priorities for next loops needed by AE to plan the work. --> Still required.


  • Loop 7 being commissioned --> still being commissioned, encoders are misbehaving / behaving strange.
  • Loop9 (Smaract stages) has to be brough up.  --> will be done this week
  • Next loops are 8 followed by the priority-items from loop 6.
  • Loop10 and 11 regarding PPL will be needed in June. HED to confirm. --> Feedback from MN required.

OPT Lasers

  • AE support is needed in order to bring the SCS laser up by the end of may. Mail has been sent. NJardon checks. --> Loop extended and running by the end of next week.


  • Motion loop for Hirex 2 has been delayed until June


  • Issue repoeted from CAS: Fast ADC for MCP in SASE3 duplicates data in the 3 % of cases. DAQ is not responsible. Tests have to be made and for that the ADC servers have to undergo to short interruptions. Will be coordinated with XPD. Should not be e problem. CAS to follow the issue up. --> Unclear, CAS not attending.





  • New DACHS-area "Balcony rooms" will be setup. Requires local training by ITDM, which is currently being organized.


  • Working on MID SDL and SCS day 2 components.



  • Schedule changes for the Summer shutdown due to modification of the interlock systems. Additional meetings needed. No info is expected before the beginning of May. --> an uncoordinated email was sent around by MDressel (MPS). SRP will take care of clarifying with MPS what has to be done, when, and will communicate this.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00