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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 313     Entry time: 30 Mar 2022, 09:51
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 30.03.2022 
General Announcement:
- A. Galler mentions that new Corona rules are in place. Please read the e-mail from Nicole E. from last Friday. In case of questions don’t hesitate in contacting SRP and/or taskforce.

- LPD motor issue under investigation. Report to follow later.

- Nothing to report.

- Update on HED OPT uTCA crate: one last action was done and hopes to get it solved. Under monitoring to see if another intervention is still needed.

- Nothing to report.

- Issue after Karabo update: SA1 FEL Imager is not available for some time. Solved by CTRL/A. Parenti. For the BKR it took a little bit longer to get it ready. It may happen again.

- Nothing to report.

- Question if it is possible for next week to update the GPFS client to fix the recent bugs with permissions (Maxwell cluster calibration pipeline - solved at the time with a hot fix). 
The complete version is ready to be deployed. One needs to update and restart service (matter of 1-2 hours) and the current proposal is to make it on Monday. An e-mail will be sent to XO-info.

- Middle layer device of SRA in SA2 had the offset parameters placed to zero and as consequence it showed unreal numbers. M. Vannoni placed back old parameters and right now it shows the correct numbers.
It was positioned in the correct place but numbers were wrong. Wajid E. says parameters can be retrieved or please write a ticket to CTRL if it happens again.
- As PRC, machine had isolated problems yesterday night and this morning.

- Synchronization for the PP-lasers went down. LbSync is informed.
- PP-laser in SA3 went fully down and SA2 is showing instabilities. LAS is working on them.

- ZZ is planned for next Monday.

- Problem with XTD2 XGM not solved and SPB/SFX is losing data. This seems to be a Doocs issue and needs to be addressed.
- Fast ADC issues under discussion with EEE.
- Machine performance is fine.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- The turbo pumps problems were solved; Not clear if current activity is affected due to the issues with PP-laser. It will be asked to the instrument people.

- Experiments from last week went well accordingly to the internal group meeting.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00