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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 310     Entry time: 21 Mar 2022, 10:02
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 21.03.2022 
General Announcement:
- A. Silenzi will be the DRC this week and reminds FXE, SQS and MID to be present at the jour-fixe meeting today at 13:00.

- Ongoing upgrade of Karabo framework on selected services to address issues with connection output signals: CTRL would like to do SA3 tunnel and SQS today (SCS already done); others next Monday. 
- Alberto deFanis says that colleagues from SQS prefer to do in a week without users. Steffen H. says that this is fine to do later. The tunnel devices have to be coordinated with SCS also. 
SQS will coordinate to a proposed date and inform CTRL.

- Nothing to report.

- Continuing with support tasks in between user experiments.

- Issue with ion pump in rack 3.1 taking down SA1 and SA3 beam: ZZ by VAC/OCD and PRC to exchange controller yesterday. Another ZZ will take place this morning. 
Downtime for the entire North Branch could be minimized (if V0 is closed, then at least SA1 could be running. Martin D. will look into optimizing the procedure).

- Naresh K. as PRC says on the pump failure on Sunday. Downtime was longer for SA1 as machine could not decouple both SA1 and SA3.
- Naresh K. says the access the access ZZ is not so quick as it was done in dump area and machine has to ground magnets and power up again after the ZZ, making it take longer time (not only ZZ time).
- SCS turbo pump fail and the experiment stopped on Sunday around 15:30.

- Nothing to report.

- Following last Tuesday with InfluxDB break: since Tuesday things are going smoothly and looks optimistic after applying the fix. Nevertheless, more monitoring time is needed to certify it.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing major to report apart of the downtime yesterday.
- Some beam drift as usual was seen but not out of ordinary.

- Problem with XGMD happened again and Theo M. is looking for spare parts.

- All fine at MID.

- Finished first of many experiments using RELAX laser. A minor problem is addressed by a ticket.

- Turbo pump failure: have to be investigated and repaired again the whole vacuum until next week. Sunday at 15:00 it failed.
- SCS cameras and uTCA update is already done (see CTRL entry).
- XGM / HV inhibit problem is recurring once every week. SCS would like to be trained in how to recover it.

- Nothing to add.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00