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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 31     Entry time: 10 Apr 2019, 10:54
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 10.04.19  


  • CRL implementation in the hutch. Tests can start today.
  • CSS Test have been started. One elmo devide has to be implemented today. Interlocks have to be tested (later).
  • AGIPD motion. Middle layer final tests will be done during next reconfiguration od the detector.
  • Julabo chiller: loop 5 has been updated (interlocks definition, setpoints...) AE+DET working on it. seems ok.



  • Loop 8 and 11 up and running.


  • Loop 4 being updated. Loop 5 (DSSC related) will be updated this and next week.
  •  Loop 13 running with 1 crate. Part of cables will be delivered by EETf this week. 


  • Smaract stages do not work propery and reliably. High priority. Has to be clarified with AE since it is not clear whether this is the same issue that SCS had and for whoch they developed a workaround. ==> BB will contact the Smaract company to address the issue.
  • Epix power issue has been fixed. The problem was a parameter not properly set in the power supply. No interlocks are being used. MID is aware of that.
  • Loop 9, 4 and 12 will be updated with interlocks next week.
  • Exapod control vs data policy issue (also affecting HED and SPB, as well as other components). The exapod control implementation via Beckhoff requires time and is planned for the end of April. For the time being SPB and MID control the exapods via software. This make somewhat difficult to store all the data in the correct way and is not fullfilling the data policy. PSPO will report the issue to TT. At this stage a reshuffling of priorities to speed up the HW implementation seems not to help, since it is anyway planned for end of April.
  • Loop 12 ready next week.


  • Loop 5 being commissioned. Should be completed by today. Loop 7 cables are been reorganized and the commissioning will strat tomorrow. Planned to be completed by the end of the week. Lilla cables between patch panels and components will be asked and discussed with AE. 


OPT Lasers

  • SA2 PPL work ongoing. ready by next week.


  • Commissioning of M1 in SASE3 took place. An intervention concerning a limit switch has to be done (not critical)


  • Hirex 2 - Commissioning ongoing. Some imporvements, especially concerning DAQ is needed and will be discussed by AK with ITDM.



  • SASE2 beam permission button is hidden in the vacuum expert panel. It is not the case for SASE1 and 3... To be clarified with VAC, XRO and CAS.



  • 5Hz operation (HW trigger dependent on the bunch pattern) mode pre tests OK. New tests planned for tomorrow (SPB and SCS). MCP and hirex will also be included in the test with low priority.





  • A power supply was switched off by AE and found on again the next day despite a sign put on the device. This should not happen. SRP advices, in similar cases, also to add a contact of the person who switched off the device for safety reasons.
  • XS5000 controller in SCS issue. SRP clarifies that everybody must act in case of clear danger (e.g. preventig the access to a particular area). In this case, it was OK that UB and TS prevented the access to the SCS laser hutch to other people before the controller was put in a safe state.  Having said that, the responsibility lies with the scientific group operating the device.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00