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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 3     Entry time: 04 Feb 2019, 10:17
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • Waiting for the loop 12 to be running to start the commissioning of Jungfrau. Some cables for th fus boxes missing. Also IT cables are being mesaured.
  • CSS motion. Discussions ongoing to fix it.



  • Mpods handover postponed to today at 15:30.
  • Interlocks are being tested and some issues found. AE fixing them.
  • uTCA almost readyfrom the HW point of vies. 1 cable is missing, but it is being taken care of. 
  • Interlock acting on the MPS interface have been tested but are inactive. Should be activated. Meeting TB/NJ/HS to clarify that.


  • Loops update ongoing. Should be completed during this week.
  • Interlock definitions are being discussed with/corrected by AE
  • Waiting for approval by AE for some components to be bought. NC is working on that.
  • For the test planned on 8/9/10 (bender commissioning in SASE3) there is going to be a meeting with SCS/SQS/VAC/OPT for coordination purposes. MTeichmann should be involved.


  • Ph. II cables should be done today (should have been completed already last week). JH is discussing after the meeting with AE to see when Loop 10 can be expected to run and will then inform CAS about updated timeline.
  • Meeting about the status of the SDL project in MID is planned for today at 14:30. All interested groups have been invited.
  • There was a power cut in MID EXP/OPT this morning. Not clear why. Will be investigated.
  • Ion pumps remote ON/OFF control: AE is performing some tests. as soon as thet are over AE will make a  statement and suggest how to proceed.


  • Leak in the chiller of the hirex mono. Cooling system is not needed urgently (it seems). The fix will not happen in this SD.
  • Commissioning of ATT starts tomorrow.
  • Meeting on wednesday to finalize the list of things to be done to the XTD monos before the closing of XTD6 (Thu.)

OPT Lasers


  • Commissioning of benders in SASE3 planned for 8,9,10. Feb. SQS hutch will be interlocked and shutter opened.




  • MPS/ trigger box required by hiBEF issue is being clarified by ZA. AE did not get any request in advance.
  • The timing system update at desy planned for today has been cancelled. More info to come.


  • in SA2 and 3 additional servers for online computing clusters are being installed and need to be configured.
  • AGIPD/LPD parallel operation in SASE1 needs to be tested (ITDM/INSTR/DET)




  • Yesterday there was a problem with the Broker of Karabo in SASE1. SA1 was down for several hours. Cause is being investigated. It was not clear on the CAS side how to communicate the problem properly (Which logbook/mailing list to use). Should be addressed in the operation meetings. ==> No conclusive statement yet.


The Technical integration meeting (this Wednesday) will be replaced by a dispatch-like meeting in the mockup control room due to proper rooms unavailability.  A reminder to will follow. 

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00