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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 29     Entry time: 05 Apr 2019, 10:07
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • 5Hz mode tests started (SPB/SQS) and partially successful. A detailed report will be sent around. 2 cameras in SPB and digitizers in SQS were tested. Cameras OK. Digitizers data recordin has some issues being fixed (train id related). Next week on Thursday a test with beam is foreseen. ==> Update from AS:The whole chain, Digitizer, Karabo, DAQ worked as expected.
  • Loops updates being finalized. 
  • AGIPD chiller: Spare chiller from CFEL has been placed in the hutch. Julabo chiller is being shipped back. The julabo chiller is the first option, if it is not possible to put it in operation in time, the CFEL chiller will be used. 



  • Loop 8 and 11 being put into operation. Ongoing.
  • New motors in loop1. Being configured.


  • XS5000 controllers in the laser room were not safe and need to be reworked. Loop13 crates have been switched back off.
  • First cables (WCB/laser table) will be delivered by EETf be the end of next week.


  • Test with train id startin today at 10:00
  • Loop 9 - interlock definitions being implemented. Test using interlocks foreseen for next Tuesday.
  • Epix chiller has issues. Julabo chiller being used.
  • Epix channel power issue. Being investigated by CY/UB


  • Cables and loops for HED instrumentation. All the phase II cables needed for operation have been installed. KS/EETf to send a Fertigmeldung to AE.  Loop 5 and 7 will be brought into operation on Monday. Other Loop priorities remain the same.


OPT Lasers


  • SA3 commissioning during the week end. DAQ and timing needed.
  • Procedure for loops restarting in the tunnels is being discussed with AE in a meeting today.


  • Hirex 2 work ongoing with the support from AE.




  • FXE: Jungfrau modules swapped from 500 to 1Mpixel. 
  • FXE: LPD charge injection scan planned for the week end. Timing and DAQ required!


  • SASE3 timing system failure - problem understood and solved.
  • MPS modules failing. It seems to be an IT problem. DESY IT and ITDM are looking into that.




Karabo version 2.4.0 requires update of the GIU client. Apart form special cases (MID, SPB for the AGIPD...) deployment is ongoing in the instruments.




ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00