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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 287     Entry time: 15 Dec 2021, 10:26
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 15.12.2021 
General Announcement:
- Severe power cut affected Schenefeld campus yesterday: it seems to be associated to human error but investigations are still ongoing. As soon as information will be available, it will be distributed via 
e-mail either from TS or from XO.
- Regarding access regulations coming into effect Thursday evening (16.12): those who shared vaccination status with SRP will be able to enter via side gates or without showing vaccination certificates to 
the gate keepers. 
Without showing to SRP one can enter only via the main gate.

- Due to power cut some devices went to error state; a bunch reset helped to bring them up. If errors appear again please write tickets to CTRL.

- Nothing to report.

- Issues with power cut: lost electronics in instruments; lost parts in tunnels (but recovered). Please check systems if they need to be reset.
- XGM in SA1 and SA3 were also affected.
- uTCAs are back and running after power cut.
- Work with cabling is ongoing accordingly to the maintenance planning.

- PLC in rack room were affected and recovered with help from CTRL and EEE. So far nothing severe seems to be appeared but investigations still ongoing.

- XGM is under investigation by Theo M.
- HIREX in SA1 has a motor not moving. Today on-site investigation will be done together with Bernard B,

- Nothing to report.

- Power cut: problems with office switches had to be rebooted/recovered. It got stuck during the reboot process causing problems that switches had to be manually power cycled (maybe due to a second short 
power failure).

- Nothing to report.

- Affected by power cut; PLCs were off but running again after help from EEE.
- Seeder seems to do not suffer major issues.

- Problems with electricity at XHU due to power outage were recovered later in the afternoon.
- Two Apple-X undulators were installed in SA3 yesterday.

- Could recover the essential systems quickly enough; no big damages so far.

- Working in tunnel this morning. Investigations related to the power outage ongoing.

- Issues were recovered with EEE.

- Could recover vacuum systems; Laser systems were turned OFF.
- SA2 gas alarm controller was damaged due to the power outage. So there is no operation with liquid nitrogen and other gases from now. TS need to discuss with HED as tasks must be performed by latest mid-
January (lasers and/or cryo activities).

- Not present.

- Damage in the air conditioning (electronic and physical) in room 509 due to the power outage. To be discussed between SQS and TS.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00