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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 28     Entry time: 03 Apr 2019, 10:44
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 03.04.19  


  • CRL implementation in the hutch. Cables at the back of the crate have been re-shuffled by EETf. VAC vessel had a leak and is being re-sealed and pumped. If everything is fine and the vessel can be brought to the hutch the motors test can in principle start already this week.  Interaction SPB/SRP ongoing to define operations parameters.
  • CSS Test have been started. 3 encoder connectors need to be fixed by EETf (not sure can be done by the end of this week).
  • AGIPD motion. Test ok.
  • Julabo chiller: waiting for feedback from Julabo to know whether the chiller is going to be repaired on time for next users. If not, SPB/SFX are trying to borrow one from CFEL. VAC interlocks would not be operational due to the different type of chiller. Needs to be evaluated and eventually take the risk (DET, SPB).



  • Loop 8 and 11 HW will be prepared by AE. Ongoing (AE/SQS coordination ongoing)
  • Meeting organized by PGessler to review the recurring issues with the digitizers. The outcome is that for the next users run the zero suppression mode will not be used (only raw data - confermed by SQS). In this case, no issues are expected. In the meanwhile a general solution will be worked out.


  • DSSC undergoing tests in Hera south. If OK, next week will be brought to the hall.
  • Loop 13 running but incomplete. Loop 11 being prepared. Nano motion controls now in this loop. 


  • Smaract stages do not work propery and reliably. High priority. Has to be clarified with AE since it is not clear whether this is the same issue that SCS had and for whoch they developed a workaround. ==> BB will contact the Smaract company to address the issue.
  • Loop 9 has been updated and the flow meters can now be read.
  • Epix chiller has issues. Being investigated by MID and eventually replaced.


  • Cables and loops for HED instrumentation. All the phase II cables needed for operation have been promised to be installed by the end of this week. Loop 5 cannot be available before.
  • 2 weeks ago the HR mono loop was mistakenly updated twice and the second time parameters were not saved (Fri evening). Sat morning was fixed again. AE confirmed it was a misunderstanding because of paralle pulse picker tests. HR mono conversion factors commissioning ongoing.  


OPT Lasers

  • SA3 trigger stopped working today. PP laser is down. The timing server in the balcony rooms was found to be down. BF is investigating what happened.



  • Hirex 2 - Crates being included in the loops by AE.





  • Waiting for the finalization of the MID LDM risk assessment from SRP to allow the usage of the remote control of the device.==> SRP is working on that. 75% done.
  • 5Hz operation mode tests planned for this thursday. It has already been communicated to the instruments.







  • Next week XTOB 1.01 will not be available. Most probably the meeting will be held at the mockup control room. AV will anyway send a reminder.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00