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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 275     Entry time: 08 Nov 2021, 10:07
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 08.11.2021 
General Announcement:
- During the weekend there was a cryo plant failure which caused more than 30 hours downtime. This was due to the cold compressor failure on Friday evening. 
Machine work hard to get back in operation and Sunday by 06:00AM beam was available to the experiments.
- Chris Y. asks if FXE had used the PAM. It seems not to be the case due to the beam downtime. C. Youngman will contact Yifeng J.

- Nothing to report.

- DA is interested on the MID migration problem (discussion is following below).

- Problem with SQS digitizer regarding a drift when looking into pulse laser pattern. Problem seems to be coming from the source; to be further investigated;
- Beckhoff PLC at SCS had a problem and will be investigated today.

- No issues to report.

- This week XPD will measure at HED with the calorimeter.
- XPD needs confirmation from MID if Diamond detector was used at MID.

- Few OCD calls related to the AGIPD operation support.

- The MID issue seems not be linked to migration in a first analysis. It may relate with calibration. Queue was busy as many experiments taking data simultaneously. 
By the other side, there were no indications of calibration being used. Today the migration was running normally.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.

- Another Phase shifter (SA3/cell20) presented a problem like the cell17. Waiting for getting access to fix and investigate the encoders. ZZ is scheduled for this morning.

- Problem with AC unit at the laser hutch. TS was called onsite during the weekend and it was solved.

- Nothing to report.

- Issue with data processing last night: if it looks good for IT and DA, then MID is relieved.
- Diamond detector use: looks reasonable and data was taken. The final analysis has still to be seen.
- MID refers that it was positively impressed how fast the seeding was brought back after the cryo failure.

- Nothing to report.

- EEE got a call about scanner-y motor. A problem with cable was found and it was exchanged on Sunday morning. Since then it appears to be solved.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00