General Announcement:
- An e-mail was sent to "xo-info" mailing list concerning the cooling water maintenance scheduled for one week starting on Dec. 6th.
More information will be sent by the end of this week and if you have any concerns, please contact us at
- Shimadzu camera at SPB to be followed up; Also, the pop-up motor at HED needs a feedback.
- Related to DRC: on Friday SQS was using the bunch patter server and the machine server was going back to zero pulses. Cause was another Karabo device at SCS topic which was working / forgotten and was
setting bunches to zero.
Important is that none was knowing this was running. Follow up with XO for new procedures.
- Nothing major to report.
- PLC side: backlash 2 step compensation successfully tested.
- Cabling at FXE had some troubles and today there will be a recheck.
- Friday incident with Interlock on SA3 (faulty gauge at GATT): reason is known and was communicated to the involved parts. Long term plan to mitigate is in place.
- Involved at high energy tests in SA1 and SA2; SA1 worked well delivering beam at SPB; SA2 had 300uJ in XTD1 but a high intensity at HED was not achieved. On Sunday HED colleagues did some tests;
Calorimeter did not see beam.
- Imagers YAG imagers could see the beam at the end of HED station. YAG is not too bad at these high energies (only factor 2x less). Diamond is not suitable as one needs to integrate lot of pulses to get
- Upgrade on Imagers together with Andrea Parenti is already concluded, tested and shall be working fine. Some Karabo devices had to be restarted in SA1, SA2 and SA3. In case of issue, please contact
Andrea Parenti.
- DSSC activities with DEPFET ladder measurements at SQS went well; happy with acquired data.
- Nothing to report.
- SA1 re-alignment of mirror was not immediately possible and therefore done in several attempts. Started from none position but went well at the end.
- In SA2 re-alignment was not possible (settings of mirrors not ideal and therefore drop of beam intensity); In future a second attempt shall be made with the lessons learned. In SA1 went well.
- SA3 activities went well without problems.
- From SQS high energy fluctuations were seen at PP-L and fixed after switching to another setting.
- Motor of monochromator of chicane 2 / SA2: remotely action did not recover it. Access is needed. Suren K. needs a 2-3 hours of access (realistic time) and there is no guarantee it will work.
- Got beam at 24keV.
- On Saturday a problem with camera Shimadzu not communicating to PLC was solved.
- Beam drift at downstream of SA1 (mm order) was seen.
- Preparing for Users this week.
- Work with cabling ongoing.
- All fine.
- Having the 30keV beam and trying to align; Diffraction seen but could not say that the beam goes to the beam stop. Beam intensity too low for absorption edges.
- Preparing for Users this week.
- Not present.
- Nothing to report. |