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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 26     Entry time: 01 Apr 2019, 10:21
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • The quadrant motion system test for the AGIPD presented some issues with the limit switches. Being fixed.
  • Julabo chiller: waiting for feedback from Julabo to know whether the chiller is going to be repaired on time for next users. If not, SPB/SFX are trying to borrow one from CFEL (necessary parts availability to be checked.)
  • CSS loop restarted
  • CRL chamber will be brought down tomorrow. Cables in the rackroom will be re-shuffled by tomorrow evening.


  • No issues to report


  • NQS chamber is being cabled up
  • Crates for Loop 8 and 11 being installed by AE
  • VAC interlock definitions are being updated.
  • Solution for pnCCD has been found. To control it an existing PLC and cables will be used. Draft of the proposed solution will be sento to AE by TB.


  • Loop 13 firmware export will be provided to AE by EET on friday.


  • Preparation of proposal for next users is ongoing (including AGIPD and EPIX).
  • Cabling issues for EPIX are being solved. Calibration of the detector will follow
  • One crate for epix has been changed and is being mounted back today
  • OPT VAC is now remote and being tested
  • Tomorrow CY will organize a review meeting for the epix where also needed people for the tests foreseen for 4-5.04 will be addressed.
  • Tech. commissioning of the CHILLER2 (AGIPD) will be done tomorrow


  • Cabling phase II vs  loop operation: All the PRIO cables have been promised by the compoany to be installed by next friday.
  • Early next week LW will make a statement whether Loop 5 can be put in operation already during the week.
  • Installation of imagers behind the mono - Karen is organizing it. VAC supports.

OPT Lasers


  • Cooling installation in the SA1/3 mirrors ig going well. Commissioning foreseen for next WE. SQS and SCS shutters would need to be opened. Will be discussed offline with the instruments.
  • Minor works ongoing.



  • Hirex 2 has been installed
  • Support ongoing
  • Today MID mono will be opened.


  • SASE3 and 1 tunnel MOV loops have been updated. Feedback to AE is needed!
  • Issue with dymaic triggers has been fixed.


  • XFEL gateway will be updated in 15 minutes
  • Jddd usage examples will be posted by ITDM




  • Tunnels updated to Karabo 2.4.0. For the instruments coordination with scientist is ongoing (SCS already done)



  • Mail sent to the GLs asking for feedback concerning shutdown activities by GW.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00