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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 236     Entry time: 23 Jun 2021, 10:41
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 23.06.2021 
General Announcement:
- In case groups had issues with power glitch on last Sunday, please let XO know for that this will be discussed with Desy.
- Interlock tests are happening and will reach the hutches on next week. In the past there is little to no implications to the instruments. 
During the tests it shall be transparent but no access shall happen during the tests time interval. As soon as XO receives a detailed plan from SRP/D3 this will be 
communicated to the groups. 

- Influx logging issue has been solved by changing settings together with ITDM.
- Announced updates for the PLC (ELMO motors / settings of rotary encoders): to be deployed tomorrow early in the morning (PLC continues to run); 
For the tunnel topics CTRL proposes to make tomorrow at 8AM and instruments shall coordinate with contacts in case there is restrictions for this time.
- Found small issues with a fuse when connecting to the middle layer of Beckhoff devices. It has not been a problem.
- Natalia G. informed a motor was not working and EEE could solve it early enough. Checking systems in advance is a good practice.
- CC updates to be done tomorrow and rolled to the back properties.
- Read the Docs legacy mode will be switched off on 5th July.

- Reminder that today the offline detector calibration is not available.

- Beckhoff terminals / Fuse issue work is ongoing. EEE waits for contact feedback from other instruments.
- SA3 balcony room and PP-lasers uTCA updates ongoing.

- Not present.

- One XTD2 door was defective and Jan G. reported on Monday evening to TS which informed Desy colleagues. Ralf E. informed this morning that the door was fixed. 
Issue was a disc of the magnetic contact which had fallen and therefore door was not working properly.
- Motor issue in XTD2 (stuck in inserted position): technosoft control motor for MCP detector. EEE and XPD worked on it and is mostly solved. 
One needs a feedback from CTRL to find why this particular motor looks different from similar devices.
- Tunnels works are done.

- DSSC improvements taken place and is progressing.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.

- Proceeding with SA1 AMPHOS maintenance and expecting to be done by today.

- Nothing to report.

- Doing well with fuses changes. It tries to finish all of them in the next few days.
- Couple of issues with uTCA updates but Bruno F. is helping.

- Nothing to report.

- Contacted Joern R. / EEE to give feedback on cabling.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine at SCS.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00