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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 231     Entry time: 07 Jun 2021, 10:29
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 07.06.2021 
General Announcement:
- Accelerator has been shutdown this morning and the Summer/21 maintenance period has started.
- A. Galler asks the instruments to check the beamlines are in safe state for that tuning and setup starts after the maintenance without potentially damaging equipment.

- Reminder that tomorrow CTRL starts the deployment of larger Karabo topics (details with contact persons).

- Nothing to report from OCD service.
- Detector calibration: Philipp S. reminds that the pipelines/services will be temporarily removed for updates but it will be brought back.

- Nothing apart of maintenance tasks.

- Nothing to report.

- Jan G. reports as PRC many technical issues happened during the weekend: 
1. Problem with DACHS system (hutch search at HED was not able to be performed). This was a communication problem and DACHS server had to be rebooted There is no OCD over 
2. EPD went down due to network failure (down for all tunnels and was fixed on Sunday). Martin Dommach confirms that the entry at TXD9 was possible this morning.
- XPD reports on a comment from SPB on June 1st says a damage of 25um Si was found. Jan G. asks more details which device it is. 
M. Sikorski will check that. Naresh K. says it shall be in the SPB branch.
- XGMs are powered down for the maintenance.

- DRCs/DOC is OFF during the maintenance period. If support is requested, please contact support via ticketing system.

- For the shutdown period, the emergency IT phone is available only for critical service (old number 98070).
- Storage systems will be serviced and will not be in operation all the time for the next weeks.

- Not present.

- SA2 and SA3 PP-lasers will be running next weeks for instruments.
- AMPHOS work taking place next week: needs cooling water and timing system until June 22nd. For short interruptions of 20 minutes the doors will be opened. 
Patrick G. says that local timing is a good solution. Tomasz J. says they have equipment to provide for 1 PP-Laser.

- Quad mover issue in cell18/SA1 will be looked on today or tomorrow.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
- A. Galler asks if cross talk was observed during the weekend. Jan G. says he talked to SQS this morning and they made checks and on Saturday they did not find any shift 
or cross-talking. 

- All fine at MID.
- Accesses in the optics hutches may be restricted. Also the experimental hutch has restricted access. If access is needed, please contact MID staff beforehand.

- DACHS system: one has to investigate further in the cache if this will happen again. 
Jan G. says that there is an entry by D. Kruse and the hutch search is another issue. Maybe the cache works only for one and not both issues.
- For the ADC T. Preston will investigate why the bunch pattern was not read correctly when changing the settings.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00