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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 23     Entry time: 25 Mar 2019, 11:38
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • The Julabo chiller for the AGIPD detector broke. After intervention from TS was clear that it was not possible to fix on the fly. Users time had to be cancelled. In generalr there are 3 solution being pushed simultaneously by SPB: Fix the existing one, buy a new one, integrate a new type of chiller. AMancuso is also preparing a document for the MB with the details of the failure.



  • REMI being removed. NQS being brought in on wednesday. Support form AE for testing and configuration will be needed.
  • Vac interlock loop updates are being coordinated with AE
  • Laser being set up. Support from AE maybe needed.



  • DET and ITDM working on the AGIPD this and next week.
  • Loop 9 needs a framework update (flow control with broncos).
  • Patch panel design in eplan for epix ongoing.
  • Opt hutch VAC being implemented in karabo (w/o interlock definitions. interlock tests still outstanding)


  • XGM/Pulse picker alignment has to be checked with beam. AE will come back to HED today. Has been postponed since timing was not properly implemented. 

OPT Lasers





  • MOV loop in SASE1 and 3 tunnels is going to be updated tomorrow at the latest. Instruments and involved groups are supposed to check if everything is fine after the update
  • SASE2 Vac loop update today
  • ITDM is supposed to work on the redundant switches in the balcony on Wednesday. Karabo is going to be interrupted for about 30 minutes. NJardon will send an email to readiness when the activity is confirmed.
  • Timing card issue issue caused the timing signal to fail in SASE1. Issue was found to be the DESY people rebooting thr PLC without informing the relevant AE people.





  • 2.4.0 released. Waiting for ITDM for DAQ tests. No deployment in the tunnels foreseen for now.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00