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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 22     Entry time: 20 Mar 2019, 14:07
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 20.03.19  


  • CRL implementation in the hutch will happen in April. AE and EET involved. ==> ZA needs the documentation of the CRL. The point is SRP to be able to evaluate the focusing properties to give beam permission after installation. TH will ask directly PVagovic. Still pending since PV is not here.==> Still pending.
  • AGIPD motion. Prelminary tests are being performed to be ready for the final tests in the march shutdown. ==> Some issues with cabling of limit switches were found. SPB will fix it today/tomorrow.




  • When operating the machine in the train pattern (not  10 Hz) mode and pulse on demand mode the data from the XGMs in XTD10 and SCS is not recorded. ==> That's still the case and it is caused by a Doocs update not agreed with CAS. ==> Ongoing
  • The dangling cable of the sliding door has to be fixed. This is supposed to be done by ARathjen during the March shutdown.
  • A Change in the storage of raw data of the XGM is required. SCS is discussing with XPD (Theo). Later ITDM and CAS will be also involved.


  • Issue with the remote control of the ion pumps.MID OPT now ok. MID exp being implemented (waiting for some HW + Support from CY). Basically understood. Will be implemented in agreement with the instrument (requires access + fixed cables)==> Loop update slot to be agreed with the instrument.
  • Smaract stages do not work propery and reliably. High priority. Has to be clarified with AE since it is not clear whether this is the same issue that SCS had and for whoch they developed a workaround. ==> no updates.


  • Cables and loops for HED instrumentation. LW is monitoring closely the installation of cables to give the go ahead to AE for the starting of tyhe loops. Loop 5 is still the priority. High priority cables for Loops 5, 7,8 should be all installed by the end of this week.
  • Vacuul logic has to be implemented int he opt hutch. AE ready. Can be done tomorrow (KS, NJ)


OPT Lasers

  • Modules for the time stamp have to be installed by AE. How long does it take? Will be discussed offiline with PG. ==> Installation dates: SASE1 in summer shutdown,  SASE3 being worked out, SASE2 will follow. Workaround with time stamp is being investigated. ==> PLCs have to be updated. HW ready.



  • Hirex 2 will be shipped from Cologne tomorrow and will be brought into the VAC lab. Crates ready, cables ready. AE can support local tests outside the shutdown week.==> Hirex will be installed in the shutdown and probably a couple of testt will need support from AE. These can be scheduled for the 01/02.04. Vac loop is affected.




  • LPD charge injection data seem ok.
  • MID gpu calibration foreseen for today


  • Data Correlation issue test between MCP detector and XGM - PG: Workplan has been made. Additional tests needed and have to be planned with beam. ==> Beamtime will be requested by JG. ==> No updates




  • HED kick off meeting for preparation for users has to happen. ==> Will take place next week.




ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00