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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 21     Entry time: 18 Mar 2019, 10:04
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • No major issues reported
  • Crates for the CRL will be installed today. Test is foreseen for next week.


  • Issue with the synchronization of the PP laser has been reported. This affects also SPB. The problem was found to be in the subsynch hutch. WP18 has been informed and is working on it.


  • Again Issue with digitizers not working was found and was  solved with the help of CAS.  For the long run PGessler proposed to have a task force with ITDM and CAS to look for eventual bottlenecks in the configuration of the chain. 
  • First CRD for the pn CCDs has been submitted. The second CRD (interlocks) is still in preparation


  • Loop 7 need to be updated (old) due to problems with readind encoders.
  • 2 fuses in the PLCs have to be replaced. AE has been informed.


  • It is reported by CY that, in order to advance with the Epix readiness, would be beneficial if AE and EETF could accelerate the power system work BKF 467 crate completion (with Bernard's latest change request) plus patch-panel planning Eplan update this would be much appreciated. ==> Mails between CY and LW have been exchanged. CR implementation and Patch panel design are needed by Wednesday. 
  • Loop 9 needs a framework update today.
  • Preparation for the first users coming on Wednesay is ongoing.


  • Si-Mono in XTD6 has been aligned with the cristals parallel to the beam but two issues were found: 1 - On of the movements is at ist limit and needs to be fixed. ZZ today (VAC+OPT support). 2 - One motor in Mono2 that does not work. Has to be checked (AE).
  • XGM/Pulse picker alignment has to be checked with beam. AE will come back to HED today.

OPT Lasers






  • Info was sent to the GLs concernig the use of the Maxwell cluster for users. These seemed not to be propagatet to the users since support was requested to IDTM concerning this specific issue. This is also the case for the detector calibration pipeline. These info should be proprly distributed in the future.


  • FXE had small issues with LPD. DET on it.



  • HED reported as an info to CAS that yesterday karabo was very slow for 2 hrs (10 seconds to push a button...) but it recovered by itself. Will be looked into... 


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00