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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 202     Entry time: 24 Feb 2021, 09:03
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 24.02.2021 

General Announcement:

- Due to a failure alarm in the smoke extraction system in XTD6+8+9, Desy colleagues will need to reboot a crate and exchange one module. This will bring down the air conditioning for the tunnels during about two hours. The activity is scheduled for March 1st starting at 11:30AM and it appears in the EuXFEL infrastructure calendar.

- It has been found a situation with one of the elevators to the XHEXP1 Hall. Due to corona regulations a maximum of 3 people is allowed simultaneously in the elevator. This number is indicated by signs/papers fixed nearby. However, someone unauthorized has modified the number “3” to an “8”. We are investigating the situation. The shields have been corrected back to “3” but we would like to remind signs and warnings must not be modified by unauthorized persons.

- Gerd W. informs that SXP chicane modification foreseen to take place today and tomorrow is shifted to Monday or Tuesday due to delays in delivery of components. Affected people have been contacted by PMO via but in case of issues with the new plan, please contact Gerd W.


- Few requests for tickets on Karabo devices were received. CTRL reminds to please add device ID in the ticket.

- SA3 motors: a few changes were done due to migration of MC2 motors. If someone or a group needs more input, please directly contact Steffen Hauf.

- Regarding Data Operation Center (DOC): CTRL would like to have a functional account to the instrument e-logs to be able to access it and track problems when OCD gets called. If instruments have any concerns with this, please contact Steffen Hauf.


- Nothing today.


- No main issue.

- EEE also asks that when submitting tickets, please include the instrument and component name, preferentiably in the header.

- PLC side: ZZ to check motors.


- Nothing to report.


- Continuing today with beam commissioning of XTD6 components (HIREX and MCP).


- Nothing special to report.


- Nothing special.


- Issues will be addressed when tunnels are open.


- SA1 and SA3 PP-lasers are making progress.


- Nothing to report.


- Issues with Interlock and DACHS are solved.


- Interlock issues are solved.


- Nothing special.


- Thomas Preston asks if the Covid regulations in hutches can be sent by e-mail. Sandra Plett will send the link to the documents after the meeting.

- The mask occupancy for the hutch was changed (are the signs updated or not?). Thomas P. says it was 4-5 but someone wrote new numbers in the signs. Sandra P. says that if everybody is using FFP2 masks, then more people are allowed than the max. occupancy.

- Pouneh S. says if people use laser safety googles, one can use FFP2 with filters. Sandra P. says that rules also apply for this case.

- Issues with cameras: DAQ did not run (did not take data, probably due to lost configurations). HED will send ticket.


- Nothing to report.


- Yesterday a meeting to review digitizers took place.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00