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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 200     Entry time: 17 Feb 2021, 09:27
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 17.02.2021 

General Announcement:


- update for GUI server this morning is finished.

-  CTRL advices people starting systems such as cameras, in case of connecting issues please try first to reboot the devices first.


- nothing special to report.


- will update PPL update mTCA SASE3 - affects only LAS group


- nothing to report.


- Recommissioning diagnostics in SA1.

- Pop-in YAG screen in FXE/SA1 was found broken. Any information on when was working last time please send to Andreas K. In this Pop-in is a second screen with diamond which is working. YAG exchange is for next maintenance period.


- The offline calibration service update is finished and is available again. Please contact DET in case of issues.


- nothing to report.


- Working at BKR yesterday with commissioning SA1 alignment; SA1 is aligned until SPB and FXE.

- Today continuing with SA2 depending on beam stability.

- Idoia F. mentions that computers were not running at BKR. A check after shutdowns and prior operation is welcome.


- The AMPHOS in SA3 needs a new power supply. Expected delivery and exchange on Friday.

- PLC update in SA3 and uTCA upgrade on Friday.

- Advancing with SA1-PPL commissioning.

- LAS will send e-mail to Zunaira A. for that MEA3 personal is contacted on the problems with sensor boxes.


- Ambient field coil was fixed.

- New minimum gaps will be calculated and communicated to XO.


- After interlock test last week there is an issue with the new DACHS terminal. The hutches can’t be accessed. Pouneh S. says DACHS is working but this particular new terminal might not be activated in the system. An special permission must be given. Tobias Haas will be informed to contact MEA3.


- Martin K. will ask FXE colleagues on YAG screen information. Currently he is not aware when this happens (similar event back in 2019). 


- all fine.


- all fine.


- in contact with Eric B. to get the beam shutter back on Friday for closing hutches during the weekend.


- Early next week review with the digitizer engineers.

- Pouneh S. asks that laser interlock in laser hutch does not work. The new parts have been shipped and arrive soon. Together with TS electrician one has to exchange the relay. Daniel Rivas is informed.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00