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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 20     Entry time: 15 Mar 2019, 11:27
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • No major issues reported
  • Motors in Loop 14 have been tested and problems with the motion sign and encoder were found. AE/EET on it.



  • Issue with digitizers not working was found this morning and was reported solved during the meeting by CAS.
  • 2 CRDs for the pn CCDs are coming. Once they are there it has to be seen how to schedule the design, production of PLCs, as well as of cables.



  • It is reported by CY that, in order to advance with the Epix readiness, would be beneficial if AE and EETF could accelerate the power system work BKF 467 crate completion (with Bernard's latest change request) plus patch-panel planning Eplan update this would be much appreciated. MFlade reports the request to his group.
  • Issues with Smaract stages cables. Fixed.


  • Si mono in XTD6 had problems with the pitch motor whoch does not work anymore. XTD6 was opened yesterday for intervention and the system was pumping overninght. Interlock modified not to stop operation during the night for MID. This morning ZZ foreseen to complete the intervention.
  • Firmware for Loops 5 and 7 ready. KS/EET are checking whether all the cables for loop 5 have been installed. When they are, AE will be notified to switch on the loop. Same for loop 7. After the meetgin with compkany Schulz it was said that all the priority 1 cables (set by HED) will be installed by 05.04.
  • XGM/Pulse picker alignment has to be checked. On monday AE will have a look.

OPT Lasers







  • Delay scan in MID was successful



  • Control of personal interlock shutters will be possible through one computer for each instruments control room. PCs have been defined. Implementation can be ready by next week.


  • GW asks the intruments to check the shutdown planning, especially for the cases in which the instruments are requested as support groups (MPS?). If there a re problems or something does not make sense, please notify PSPO.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00