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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 2     Entry time: 01 Feb 2019, 12:49
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.00 


  • Open AGIPD wing. Next 3 days are needed for fixing purposes.



  • Interlocks are being tested and some issues found. Next week AE support planned.
  • In Loop 4 the power supplies for the gauges do not work. Being investigated by Bernard Baranasic
  • Vacuum of the REMI chamber small issues. NRennhack is in contact with AE.
  • Today there will be the handover of the first  Mpod crate to SQS by CY.




  • Hirex mono needs water connections. Being addressed.
  • CRL commissioning in the OPT hutch has been completed.
  • Next week: commissioning of ATT, Imagers and zoom monitor - Loop 2 is ready.

OPT Lasers


  • Encoders for the mirrors in XTD6 are being checked.
  • Commissioning of benders in SASE3 planned for 8,9,10. Feb. SQS hutch will be interlocked and shutter opened.




  • Update of the EPS in SASE1 and 3 has been done yesterday and some issues on the machine side followed (EPS was triggered)
  • .Today MPS test of the Gatt in sase3. 
  • HED att has some issues. Marjan and Nerea following the issue up.
  • Fuse boxes for D.23 arrived. Power cables are missing. Being taken care of.
  • IT cables in D.23 will be remeasured on Monday. 





  • Yesterday there was a problem with the Broker of Karabo in SASE1. SA1 was down for several hours. Cause is being investigated. It was not clear on the CAS side how to communicate the problem properly (Which logbook/mailing list to use). Should be addressed in the operation meetings.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00