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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 198     Entry time: 10 Feb 2021, 09:20
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 10.02.2021 

General Announcement:

- Tunnel closure: it has been decided both XTD6 and XTD9 will be searched and closed on Monday 15.02.

- Temporary tunnel access requests: for ZZ access please be aware of the new Redmine ticket for access requests. The link to it appears in the BKR E-log.

- Use of FFP2 masks in experiments control hutches:  Sandra Plett informs rules such as temporary stop of work after 75 minutes of mask use or a day off after two working days with masks are not mandatory - these are only a recommendation; If two people are <1.5m, one has to use masks. While Seated or alone you can remove the masks; However, if there are people running around, please use masks also if seated; The wearing time is just a recommendation - it is not mandatory to make the break.


- Graphical user interface update: there is a new version to install in the gateway and BKR.

- Update of data loggers and GUI servers to take place.


- all going well.


- SA2 loop update (MOV) was done yesterday for Hirex and Shimadzu.


- nothing to report


- DACHS terminal in XTD9 did not allow access: database connection issue. Andreas K. has contacted M. Prollius.


- Deployment of offline calibration pipeline from today until Friday. It will be communicated when it’s finished.


- Two weeks ago, ITDM pre-announced an offline GPFS update. Preparations will be ready by Friday. Ideally ITDM will deploy on next Monday. Please let K. Wrona aware if this date is not suitable.


- Not present.


- Upgrade on uTCA crate in SA1 – ADC acquires data. A small problem with data acquisition was found and a Redmine ticket was created. In any case all is fine for switching PPL-SA1 on.

- Today between 2:00-08:00AM there was no trigger coming to PPL-SA1. It may be from Desy or from Balcony room. Bruno F. will investigate the balcony rooms.


- Unsys will request access for next week to fix a SA2 ambient coil.


- nothing


- nothing


- All fine


- nothing


- nothing


- Issues with trigger are fixed.

- uTCA firmware updated; now fixed.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00