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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 196     Entry time: 03 Feb 2021, 09:26
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 03.02.2021 

General Announcement:

- Automatic Power Switch Testing was done yesterday. The switches are working as expected and a protocol has been produced. Torsten Schoen informs this test is done every 4 years; from now on equipment can be connected again to the orange and green power outlets.

- Re-start of the accelerator takes place from last Monday. Currently the setup of the injector and LINAC is ongoing. There are no changes to the last plan for closing dates of the photon tunnels.


- CTRL works on the Doocs Undulator devices/panels that have to be changed.


- nothing to report.


- EEE and LAS people are on-site checking the reported uTCA problems after the power switch (by LAS). Issue refers to no communication to the uTCA.

- SASE1 motion loop update yesterday was done.


- Not present.


- XTD6 and XTD9 Shimadzu cameras update continue.

- Next loop update for XTD6 will probably be next week together with Hirex changes.


- all fine


- everything is fine


- VAC is busy in tunnel leaking check the XTD10 soft mono (pressure went down to 10-6mbar already) but it takes more time.


- Yesterday the SA1 and SA3 PP-laser systems were lost. Tomasz J. and EEE are looking into it.


- today ZZ in XTD4 for the cleaning at SASE3. PRC has informed the BKR.


- Problems with trigger of Gotthard are reported by Marcin S. It may be also linked to a communication issue.


- nothing to add


- all fine


- nothing to add


- not present.


- Wanted to run digitizer on uTCA but could not find/communicate to it. Under investigation this afternoon.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00