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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 188     Entry time: 06 Jan 2021, 09:05
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 06.01.2021 

General Announcement:

  • Due to work restrictions, some of shutdown activities will not end as planned in time. This leads to a prolongation of the start-up phase starting next week. It means re-start of Accelerator and South branch will be delayed by 2-4 days while the North branch by about 1 week.
  • The first 2 weeks of X-Ray delivery (2.2-15.2) will most likely be affected and photon delivery cannot be guaranteed into all beam-lines at all days. Some flexibility in planning for the commissioning tasks is expected. A detailed schedule for an upcoming week will be available on the week before, latest on Friday.
  • Sara C. asks if tunnel access is allowed during this week. F. Wolff-Fabris understands tunnels still can be accessed this week apart of Covid regulations (in the context of tunnel maintenance tasks that have to be performed while tunnels are open). T. Tschentscher says the understanding is from Robert F. guidelines e-mail are still valid for this week and really important tasks may be conducted – an e-mail to Robert and Nicole pointing the task with the need of access could be sent. Steve A. reported from today’s Covid taskforce meeting that the regulations of last corona email are still valid - if there are any question send an email to


- Due to incompatibility discovered after last update on Dec. 23rd, CTRL would like to update files on all microTCAs before user operation (Karabo devices) mostly likely next Friday.

- A network maintenance was performed by Desy. Please inform CTRL if issues are encountered.


- nothing to report


- Preparing to finish the cabling in HED and MID.

- Nothing to report from PLC side.


- nothing to report - tunnel update tomorrow


- XPD OCD put in place during Christmas break had no emergencies calls.

- XPD expect earliest work to take place on next week.


- nothing to report


- Desy network team would like to do a update of the control network routers tomorrow at 1300 -> email comes to readiness


- Proceeding with activities from last days of last year.

- No major updates. Testing the SA3 MC2 library update.


- Lasers are down.

- SA2 seeder that took longer than expected time to be back in December after the OFF request by LSO. Probably on next OFF mode LAS has to exchange it.


- Minimum gaps for SASE3 Undulator system is 10mm. Other SASEs shall be defined after the middle plan scans.

- Apple-X major work from Unsys is done.  

- Quad movers are working remotely.

- Remaining task: connecting fire extinguisher system in one rack.


- nothing to report


- nothing to add


- nothing to report


- nothing to report


- not present


- A High voltage power supply with double-polarity was installed. It is the first time this is installed at SQS.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00