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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 187     Entry time: 16 Dec 2020, 09:11
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 16.12.2020 

General Announcement:

- Today is the last xo-integration meeting for this year. Xo wants to thank everyone for the participating in this meeting series while sharing information and giving updates.

- The next XO Int. Meeting will happen on 04 January.


- Beckhoff MC2 motor upgrades at SA3 is ongoing.


- no updates


- all SA2 fast ADC tasks have been concluded.

- Cabling in HED is ongoing; On MID will happen next year.

- AIBS control at SA1 balcony room installation starts today.

- Testing Mc2 motor configurations in tunnel devices.


- Trying to finish main shutdown tasks: GATT, new mirror chamber in SA3/SXP, SA2 M3 mirror chamber.

- M3 chamber InGa is clean and ready to be pumped down.

- XGM/SA1: broken gate will be replaced this week or next.

- Some members of VAC group are working on site next week.


- XGM SA2/XTD6 was moved 4mm and is still in alignment (no damage found) -> Jan G and Harald S. will have a look today onsite. M. Dommach says the differential pump could not move that far away due to bellows. 

- Installing of switches for HRIX will be most likely finished this month and some maybe in January.


- nothing to report.


- nothing today.


- Not present.


- Laser Hutches are locked (no access allowed) by Safety and LAS members can not continue the work in laser rooms. LAS maintenance tasks can not be finished and may be delayed over the end of shutdown.

- Emission of SASE2 Seeder laser was put in OFF yesterday due to inspection by SLSO. This means laser was OFF and there is no guarantee the PP-laser will be available in February, as they will not start mode-locking again after an Emission OFF. 

- Typically the Seeder lifetime is 3-4 years. Each time it is switched OFF it shortens the lifetime by half. If Seeder is included in the Interlock system, and taking into account the interlock trips 1 time per week or month (case of SASE3), the availability of PP-lasers is in risk and consequently the whole operation for instruments.

- Alignment lasers will be no longer provided. This also relates to the safety decision - such lasers are not allowed to be operated.


- not present.


- nothing to report: quiet days.


- Craning activities over the hutches due to SXP construction still ongoing: not always a notice from construction workers.


- all fine.


- nothing to report.


- not present.


- nothing to report

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00