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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 177     Entry time: 11 Nov 2020, 10:49
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 11.11.2020 
General Announcement:
- XO is in contact with some groups regarding the winter shutdown, in order to get additional information or solve potential conflicts. 
If there are any question, please contact us in this meeting or via e-mail.
- Steffen adds on the idea of using FXE for initial deployment of updated Karabo version. It will take place after 23/Nov.
- Jan asks how XO needs to be informed for tasks that groups deal with each other. A. Galler says XPD is on the list for setting a date to discuss this. 
Groups are encouraged to communicate with other support groups beforehand.

- Misbehaving timing server at MID yesterday was initially solved by EEE. EEE replaced the hardware of the timing system itself but problem continued. 
System seems now to be healthy but from time to time there are small timing interruptions. Investigation is ongoing and will be discussed in the digitizer meeting of Data 
- One CTRL ticket on Doocs device at SCS: it was a problem with custom installation. CTRL asks to be informed in case groups have custom installations. This may pose a 
risk when deploying new updates.

- AGIPD train-ID issue: a small workaround until shutdown is in place. One has to set the individual channel and seems to be now working. Next intervention to take place 
during Winter maintenance time.

- Nothing else to report aside of the MID timing system.

- Nothing to report.

- SA3 XGM was switched to Ne as requested by instruments.

- Preparation for activities on AGIPD at SPB/SFX during the winter time is ongoing.

- Pre-announcement: at the start of the maintenance, ITDM has activity on the computer cluster. A separate announcement will be sent.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- No issues to report.
- Intervention date of AGIPD: SPB requires due to highest priority work that between 16/11-18/12 no interruptions of electrical power or the need of EQP may happen. 

- Crosstalk SA1/SA3 was not seen yesterday as SQS used only 1 bunch.

- Nothing to add besides what CTRL and EEE have mentioned.

- Next week HED does not use X-ray beam: commissioning of the high power laser and test of pulse on demand are planned. A. Galler says it pulse on demand was fixed by 
CTRLs and can be used. 
- Question on use of ADCs: Bruno says some trains will not be recorder or be repeated. This may be related to the timing issue like in MID. 
But data can be acquired. It is under investigation accordingly to Bruno, with CTRL, DA, ITDM.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00