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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 174     Entry time: 03 Nov 2020, 08:39
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 02.11.2020 
General Announcement:
- A. Galler reminds the attendance that this meeting is also an opportunity for making comments/questions on the new Covid-19 rules that start to take place.

- Main issue last days was related to the SA3 VAC PLC. The applied fix was left running during the weekend. So far it works faster and reacts faster for diagnostics. 
CTRL is getting some statistics in order to get the final solution. If something goes wrong, please call OCD.

- No OCD calls during the weekend.

- No issues or news.

- uTCA crate of SA2 balcony room is not reachable. A quick fix on Friday was not successful and EEE needs to power cycle or replace the whole crate. 
This will interrupt timing for PP-laser and the signals sent to MPS. Meeting between EEE, lasers, instruments and XO will take place. 
- (Note after meeting: the power cycle of the actual crate will be done today after lunch. If this does not helps then immediately exchange of crate will be done 
PP-laser will be brought to a safe state and takes about 4-5 hours to restart it).

- Nothing to report.

- Worked at BKR with MCP detectors. XPD reported to CTRL an issue with ADC - some channels see no signal or not standard ones. 
EEE knows and runs some scripts - this happens from time to time and may affect recording data.
- In general, from XGM side, Theo M. has prepared a way to switch settings to extreme changes of photon energies.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Motor problem with SA1/cell31 last week was repaired and undulator should be working fine.

- STAB campaign last week went fine and collected data that has to be analyzed.

- Nothing to add.

- Waiting for invitation to a meeting on the AGIPD train-ID.

- Requests the beam delivery schedule in order to know if has to schedule people for Tuesday night.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00