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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 165     Entry time: 30 Sep 2020, 12:08
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 30.09.2020 
General Announcement:
- XO informs the Call for the Winter Maintenance tasks will be sent to the support groups and Instruments today. 
Please note it is not named "shutdown" anymore are critical services such as basic infrastructure must be maintained. At least in this round it will be called as "Winter 
Maintenance" to avoid confusion among the staff. 
The tasks list shall be sent to 
- In case of need to go to tunnel via ZZ, please contact the PRC at 9-4800.
- Gerd W. informs on the SXP construction work that starts on Nov. 23rd. The plan aims for a minimal impact in SA3 area at XHEXP1. 
There will be new connections to the cooling water system in SA3and civil constructions. 
Cooling water will be cut from Nov. 23rd until Christmas. This means rack rooms and laser will be affected. 
- Gerd W. answers Raul V.: the cut cooling water supply does not involve tunnels. 
- Tommaso M. says instruments need to have permanent cooling water supply. 
Gerd W. states the electronics must be shut down and will not be able to re-start before Christmas as it takes time to empty the system, weld, do pressure tests and fill 
it up again. 
- XO suggests that SA3 instruments must coordinate closely with Gerd and also involve MB (Serguei M.).
- Nerea J. asks if this applies to SA3 balcony room also. Gerd W. says that the rack rooms will be affected. 
- Gerd informs there is a series of meetings taking place on Thursdays at 14:00 and this construction work can be addressed. The SCS and SQS group leaders have been 
invited to this series. 
If someone else wants to participate, please contact Gerd W. for getting the Zoom link, 
- Monica T. says that this lack of cooling water may impact the DSSC move to SQS by delaying its test.

- CTRL experiences some login hiccups related to information sent to InfluxDB. This will be fixed Sunday night (Monday at 02:00AM). There is no reason this issue will 
affect devices until the fix is done.

- Train-ID investigation for AGIPD offset is ongoing.  DA understands from now on DET is responsible for the leading efforts. 
- Monica T. comments it has been identified the issue related to the AGIPD firmware (2019 version, accordingly to Jolanta). This will require a significant change and to 
do it now is not an option. 
The good news is that this is a systematic issue and DET know how to take care of it.
- A. Galler asks the small task force on the train-ID to make a small presentation during next XO Integration Meeting. 

- ADC in PP-laser (SA1) is confirmed to be solved.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Issue with DSSC yesterday: one Interlock signal was permanently enabled. EEE solved after restarting the device. It will be further investigated. 
- Desy/IT requested ITDM a time slot to fix redundant parts of the routers between "ours" and "accelerators". To do so Desy/IT and MXL suggests to apply the fix (do not 
expect side effects) today before lunch time. 
No relation to the timing system of lasers is expected (low risk). None in this meeting's audience raises an issue against the proposed time.  

- Nothing to report.

- All 3 PP-lasers are up. Currently LAS still make some studies and instruments must send a message in case the need of use. Lasers are ready to be provided to 

- A ZZ is currently ongoing to fix issues with failed couplers in SA3 control cabinets.
- Beckhoff replies the cause of failure is either an overload of current or relations to temperature. Temperature seems not to be the issue (accordingly to UNSYS).

- Nothing to report.

- Plan to test digitizer (HQ412): issue is that sampling rate is not reproducible as in the lab. Probably it will happen tomorrow together with PP-laser use.

- The vacuum issue with the monochromator is under control.

- Preparing the user next week (that uses the pp-laser).

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00