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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 164     Entry time: 28 Sep 2020, 11:02
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 28.09.2020 
General Announcement:
- Andreas G. informs the winter maintenance period will happen in two months approximately. The call for tasks will go out this week to the support groups and 
- XO informs Desy and TS are investigating the Thursday's event of power cut but do not yet have a clear reason for it.
- Jan G. informs that SCS hutch will be closed and searched this afternoon for the FD on Gain Studies.

- Notification service informed on a broken event. After a Karabo shutdown the FXE topic is fine again. 
- Power cut: CTRL sees no issues as leftovers.
- Investigation of missing data in DOOCS (10 seconds outdated): CTRL has two colleagues looking into it.
- Supporting EEE and LAS on the ongoing working with PP-lasers.
- Update of dataloggers has to be made again. It means a 2 minutes downtime during the course of today/afternoon if nobody has something against.

- Question to CTRL: a notification service was forward to us. DA needs further description on that. Steffen H. says it was related to the python server and this is not 
deployed by CTRL. 
This is the reason why was forward to DA.

- Follow up from Friday recover on the power glitch of Thursday: some cards in SA1 balcony rooms were not reachable anymore on Friday. These lead to a complete restart of 
the whole crate (means interruption of timing). After additional local intervention communication to the MPS was restored. 
- Changed the fast ADC of PP laser in SA1.

- Nothing to report.

- No issues to report.

- Agipd was power up after the power cut and had no issues.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- SA3 PP-laser: problems with SQS site. It misses the power energy (dropped down) and is under investigation. Maybe it is related to some optics assembling.
- SA2 PP-laser: power supply for AMPHOS was lost on Friday. The spare part arrives today at 11:00 and will be changed this afternoon.
- SA1 PP-laser: problem with uTCA (no ADC running and not possibility to login). Crate hangs after every few hours. Working together with EEE (100% in EEE side).

- The problems with cell1/SA2 not moving were fixed by Suren K.
- Cell2/SA3 hardware problems (couplers) found this morning relates to an Ethernet card which needs to be replaced by ZZ. This cell is not operational.
- Phase shifters in SA3, cell4 and cell5 are not moving. The hardware works and it may be some higher level controls.
- Couplers were sent to Beckhoff for further investigation in order to find solution for decreasing the number of failures in future.

- Nothing to report.

- Due to issues with PP-laser the FXE did not test the timing tool during the weekend.

- All fine: still minor vacuum issue in the optical room but MID hopes to be solved soon.

- Pulse on demand tool was tested last Monday.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to add.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00