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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 162     Entry time: 21 Sep 2020, 16:06
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 21.09.2020 
General Announcement:
- Last week issue with Oracle database upgrade was fixed by effort during the night. People entered tunnel by ZZ after this communication issue was fixed.

- It is planned to happen a Data loggers update today. 
- Time server update: related to a bug which happened twice in five years. It will be carried out today afternoon (after XPD beamtime) or tomorrow morning.
- A. Galler asks on updates on pulse pattern decoder: Steffen H. says it is ready to be deployed and tested.

- DA received only one OCD call last week: no specific issues during the week.

- XO informs that the ATT interlock PLC update will be done tomorrow (22.09) morning.

- OCD call on Friday from MID related to the cryocooler of monochromator: it was clear issue was related to the power supply. TS was involved to solve the problem by 
exchanging cryocooler. 
VAC informs the OCD number to be dialed is 9-4900 and not 4900.

- It was observed problems with SA2/XGM spinning motor gauges.

- Nothing special: quiet week.

- There is a problem with SASE2 online data storage. It happens data were not migrated from Schenefeld to Desy or it was very slow which in turn affected MID. Partially 
solved by making system live. 
- ITDM needs to diagnose the GPFS filesystem in SASE2 in order to understand the issues we experienced over the weekend. This may lead to some instabilities or even 
unavailability of the SASE2 online data storage. 
- XO suggests ITDM to coordinate separately with MID and HED.

- Nothing to report.

- SA3 had power drops and today LAS makes tests regarding Daniel Rivas info.
- SA1 currently replacing laser diode and updating uTCA system.
- SA2 nothing to report.

- Terminals for SA2/cell31 have arrived and are ready to be installed in next ZZ access.
- Problem with air coil in SA3/cell12 this morning will be taken care.

- Commissioning last week using 5 keV beam.

- Mono commissioning.

- Recovered vacuum issue on cryocooler on SAT morning with help from TS. Beam was back on Saturday morning (+-10AM).
- Timing tests were running on Friday by EEE. MID waits for results to be analyzed. Train-ID issue seems to be progressing and many people work on it.

- User beamtime was very successful. Stability was very good.
- Pulse on demand test aimed to be able to have single PP shot synchronized with FEL. Today from 10AM CTRL and LAS will temporarily change bunch pattern (communicated to 
the PRC). 
No need for X-ray beam to the hutch.

- No special issues to report.

- Two weeks ago the monochromator was used. X-ray beam was twinkling and not reproducible. Seems to be connected to higher heat load when using 300 pulses. 
SQS says that this needs to be addressed when beam is back again.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00