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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 161     Entry time: 16 Sep 2020, 10:20
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 16.09.2020 
General Announcement:
- Yesterday evening a ZZ in XTD10 was planned but it turned unsuccessful due to no access in the turnstiles. D3 solve the problem in the middle of the night and since 
then ZZ is possible again.
- Eric Boyd mention on the SQS shutter: a XTD10 ZZ was planned for 8:30AM. He has currently no news so far.

- XGM Pulse pattern decoder issue is under investigation.
- Vacuum issues (giving unknown state in Karabo): also under investigation.
- Next Monday CTRL plans to update Karabo login system. Groups shall inform CTRL if there is any issue against this.
- Last Influx training will be next Friday An e-mail to participants will be sent. 

- No issues to be reported.

- SA1/ Solid Attenuator Interlock problems: EEE is investigating and news will follow. FXE found an issue within the motion loop last night and XRO also helps. 
It is the Interlock on the attenuator itself and not in the EPS.

- Nothing to report.

- XGM signals were monitored when SA1 went to 5keV for a short time yesterday night. No issues were observed.

- SCS made an OCD call on the DSSC which has been fixed.
- Agipd issue: under investigation together with ITDM (a ticket was opened to ITDM). This is not a calibration issue. 

- ITDM will follow on the Maxwell issue with Agipd. 
- CTRL and ITDM working and progressing on the bunch patter issue.

- Issue with SA1 solid attenuator: same behavior can be expected also in SA2.
- Mirror inspection in XTD2: it shows no big damage on it. A full service will be made later. Next Monday inspection on XTD10 mirror to understand situation.
- Meeting to investigate possible upgrades to drive motors faster will take place. Participation of CTRL, DA and instruments.

- Nothing to report.

- Suren K. informs Beckhoff Hardware for cell#31/SA2 was received and is under test. As soon UNSYS is ready for a ZZ it will inform PRCs for scheduling a date. 
Mostly likely ZZs will occur on Tuesday and not Monday due to continuation of 11.5 GeV studies. 
- Communication problem with one undulator on Monday was quickly fixed.

- Working on nano KB mirrors.
- 5 keV last night: gives right trajectory. It looks like the beam performance was sufficient for SPB alignment. Fine tuning has to come.

- Affected by the shutter problem during the tentative ZZ access yesterday.
- Solid Attenuator issue in discussion with EEE.
- Sampling rate of ADC has changed. Peter Z. contacted EEE and it has been accessed.

- Not present.

- User experiment ongoing.
- Some stages worked intermittently and has to be investigated (related to crystal alignments).
- Pulse picker is not behaving correctly. It may be a Hardware issue and has to be investigated. Then HED will communicate to EEE.

- PP laser was down last night and the OCD was contacted. There is the suspicion the crystal is damaged and the OCD informed it will be fixed this morning. 
Daniel Kane will try to get some info inside LAS and report back t SCS.

- It has users this week and shutter becomes a serious issue. In Karabo the shutter state changed but it is disconnected. It is not clear if the ZZ team is progressing 
right now.
- Problem is that when trying to close the shutter via JDDD interface it went to an intermediate state but shutter did not close. 
This cause interlock not opening the hutch and the beam could not be sent to the hutch. No beam since 5PM yesterday. Also locally operated in the panel it does not work. 
The JDDD interface worked nicely the whole last week. Eric Boyd asks if problem appeared at the first operation. Tommaso M. says they did a lot of times prior having this 
- Waiting for updates from CTRL mentioned.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00