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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 160     Entry time: 14 Sep 2020, 15:34
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 14.09.2020 
General Announcement:
- None.

- CTRL will deploy an update on time server configurations for SA1 and SA3. Bunch time decoders will be down during few minutes.
- SPB and SQS reported during the weekend they do not have pulses per train correctly presented. This relates to the update on server configurations. CTRL is looking into 
it with SPB today.

- Minor OCD calls during the weekend with no severe issues.

- EEE works with SPB on configurations of motors (in general with several other instruments).
- Looking into XPD issues.

- It notices quite often one has to restart C++ servers due to communications issues. CTRL and EEE are investigating: it does lose connection and then does not properly 
PLC continues running in the background. CTRL recommends restarting CPP server as workaround. 

- XGM in SA3 shows not accurate number of trains per pulse. First pulses of a train were missing. It will be followed up with CTRL and SQS.
- There is an agreement in how to enable the 5keV operation. Instruments shall be aware of ahead planning when changing photon energies (band region of resonances which 
requires exchange of gases). 
In general SA1 and SA3 instruments are aware.

- Working on calibration issues.
- Problem from SCS with Karabo device going in unknown mode has been under investigation.

- Comment to DET: it has been understood issue with Maxwell nodes last week - jobs running and certain nodes were in bad state. It was a particularity of the 
configuration. This affected the calibration. 
- Bunch pattern issue: we were communicated around 2AM on an issue that data recording was not the same as the scene. ITDM asks for communication of major issues must be 
done in earlier times when experts are around. 
XO will talk with CTRL and ITDM, as well as SQS.
- exfelgateway and Karabo installation: we will move today the installation. Link will redirect to the next location. No changes in how to start Karabo GUIs.
- Tomorrow a maintenance affecting Oracle databases will take place from 7AM to 1PM. For example, DACHS/DARF, UPEX will be down. 

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing critical to operation to be reported.

- Beckhoff terminals for the cell31/SA1 are ordered. Components are to arrive.
- Problems with SA1/cell7 yesterday have been fixed.

- Hardware exchanged late Friday and during weekend.
- Bunch pattern recording issue was discussed with CTRL last week during the day. It is of importance to correlate the data with number of bunches.

- Minor issues with components motors: when pressed step up /step down in the motor, the Karabo interpret that we pressed twice. It is not critical but annoying. Issues 
are related to MC2 motors. 
CTRL will get in touch with EEE in an offline discussion. Issue has a different nature compared to the HED problems with motors.
- Tests on Monochromator show energy drifts. For long range scans one has to correct manually the calibration. FXE will report to CTRL today or tomorrow.
- Friday beam instability due to horizontal jitter: FXE took some data and will communicate. 

- Number of bunch train issue was also observed.
- Train IDs going to AGIPB are correct and verified.

- CRL must be investigated (motors). It moves one way but not for backwards.
- We made a ticket for Mono1: problem came up again during the weekend.
- EEE wants to make uTCA installations (after HED request) on next Tuesday. HED and EEE will discuss a suitable time together.

- Issue with DSSC mentioned by DET.
- Nothing else to report.

- Issue in past weeks: shutter does not respond but it seems to be working now. F. Wolff-Fabris will ask the Desy colleagues for an update on the situation.
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