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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 16     Entry time: 06 Mar 2019, 10:31
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 06.03.19  


  • CSS component commissioning. Concept and implementation finalized. EPLAN has been modified. PLC modification has to follow.
  • Issues concerning the simultaneous operation of more Jungfrau detector modules has been solved.  Additional tests ongoing. 
  • CRL implementation in the hutch will happen in April. AE and EET involved. ==> ZA needs the documentation of the CRL. The point is SRP to be able to evaluate the focusing properties to give beam permission after installation. TH will ask directly PVagovic.
  • AGIPD motion. Prelminary tests are being performed to be ready for the final tests in the march shutdown.
  • It is possible to operate simultaneously the Agipd and Jungfrau detector. One issue is the restarting the Agipd afterwards. The issue is non critical and is being solved by DET/CAS.



  • exhaust line for explosive gases has not been tested so far and no information is available to SQS. Urgent. SRP should comment.==> MMeyer is following up the issue. ==> MM has got all the documentation and approval needed. The line can be used. XPD and CAS on it.


  • When operating the machine in the train pattern (not  10 Hz) mode and pulse on demand mode the data from the XGMs in XTD10 and SCS is not recorded.


  • Issue with the remote control of the ion pumps.MID OPT now ok. MID exp being implemented (waiting for some HW + Support from CY)
  • AGIPD, Diamond and Epix detector tests succesful. AM thanks the technical groups for the support.


  • Si bounce monochromators - Chiller leaks. Will be repaired in the next shutdown. ==> Waiting for delivery of parts. Not clear whether can be fixed in the next shutdown.==> Ongoing.
  • Cables for the experiment hutch are being installed but some quality issues occured. Last pallets of cables have been sent back for proper confectioning. It is possible that there will be some delays. KA will discuss with LW how to prioritize cables to eventually minimize the impact on the commissioning. ==> Quality issues are being addressed. The company increased the manpower for cable confectioning and installation. KS prepared a list of priorities. Ongoing.
  • Si- mono commissioning ongoing. Cameras for pico motors have been installed.
  • CRL2 in XTD6 - issue wit motors losing steps. Will be fixed in the March shutdown.
  • DAQ is ready. Data sources list has been sent to CAS. Will be also sent to ITDM for implementation.
  • Commissioning run proposal. Elogs to be used will be discussed with ITDM offline.
  • AE informs that they will be probably able only to provide fw for loops 5 and 7 by the end of March (collision with many shutdown activities). PG will send details to KA. This will eventually require a decision concerning priorities. 


OPT Lasers

  • Modules for the time stamp have to be installed by AE. How long does it take? Will be discussed offiline with PG. ==> Installation dates: SASE1 in summer shutdown,  SASE3 being worked out, SASE2 will follow. Workaround with time stamp is being investigated.


  • In SASE3 additional safety shutters issue: Hardware will be ready by middle of Feb. On the 24 and 25. the installation and the modification of the EPS loop should take place if D3, SRP agree on the change request proposed by HS and MD. ==> Still no official decision from D3 and SRP. AE would like to get as many info as possible in advance to start preparing the loop update. According to MDommach NJardon is supposed to be already in the loop. ==> Concept in written has not yet been communicated to SRP and AE. ZA will talk to HS. ==> HW is installed. Loop update can happen monday or tuesday. The proposed additional radiation safety measures for SASE3 were discussed with Zunaira Ansari. A test is foreseen for 5 March. Implementation in the SEPS system will be directly coordinated between Zunaira and Nerea. ==> Test successful. Limit for SASE3 has been nor raised to 1.3 keV.





  • Data Correlation issue test between MCP detector and XGM - PG: Workplan has been made. Additional tests needed and have to be planned with beam.


  • Commissioning proposals form last year: The data will be moved physically to desy soon. ITDM will send an e mail aroung to inform the relevant people.



  • Who is responsible for the bunch pattern recording for the different instruments? CAS will clarify with ITDM and AE. ==> Ongoing.


  • The self rescue training is supposed to become part of the access requirement in the DACHS system for the tunnel. This caused a lot of concerns during the meeting (visitors? Access to components only in the very firrt part of the tunnel ). PSPO will discuss with SRP .==> SRP is trying to find a way to minimize the impact of this training on the XFEL employees. Discussion with DESY needed. ==> The implementation date is the 01.05. The legal requirements are quite strict. SRP is trying to find a solution with DESY (proper training every 3 yrs + yearly updates? to be seen). Advice from SRP is to get the training. SScherz can support booking the trainings.
  • HED Radiation interlock issues: no agreement yet to get beam permission. Another meeting is planned for tomorrow (SRP chairs).
  • Procedures for the electrical safety trainings and appointments are being clarified (UB, TH, WUS)


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00