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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 157     Entry time: 02 Sep 2020, 13:33
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 02.09.2020 
General Announcement:
- If instruments find the machine is not performing as you expect when comparing to previous weeks, please contact PRC that he may help you to address it. 
This is also valid for changes of beam parameters if not previously reported in the operation tables. 

- CTRL is supporting the ongoing Laser installations. 

- Nothing to report.

- Fast ADC in HED: this is solved. The only limitation is if the system is restarted the ADC is misconfigured. In this case please inform EEE for loading the 
- SCS switch issue is also fixed.

- Working on the M3/SA2 mirror. Mechanical problems were fixed by XRO. Leak test ongoing and closure of the tunnel afterwards. Beam can be back to XTD6 this afternoon.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- No big announcements at this moment.

- M3 mirror: mechanical axis was disconnected and mirror was not moving. XRO and VAC fixed the problem. Hopefully beam can be injected to XTD6 this afternoon. 
- It was chosen not open the full chamber to make the repair in 2 days' time. As beam is there XRO will re-align mirror. Cooling system is disconnected.
- After closing tunnels, it will allow beam in MID certainly and to HED we will look after the re-alignment of the mirror (to be scheduled). Maurizio V. is open to 
- Ulf asks on the plans for re-alignment of the beam: Maurizio says either after the Self-seeding on Friday or on Monday.

- Upgrades are ongoing in all lasers: a bit behind schedule.
- SA1: ADC has to be serviced by EEE; SA2: delays due to microTCA.
- SA1 and SA3 shall be available tomorrow afternoon.
- Tests with HED laser pattern on demand: LAS demands to be included in discussions for October use of PP-laser. Synchronization must be developed to run properly.  LAS 
can't guarantee it will work from the first try.
- Cw37: SCS needs laser, as well as MID has preparations. LAS states both lasers shall be back in operation on THU afternoon shall be available.

- Nothing to report.

- Getting ready for test experiments and commissioning.

- Nothing to report.

- Setting up for user experiments.

- Waiting for M3.

- SCS/XGM presents issues with interlocks being activated due to pressure levels. This required intervention from expert. 
If this happens in the middle of the night, SCS proposes to develop an automated way to reset it or to be trained by XPD experts. XO, SCS and XPD will follow up. 
- Extra-foam: SCS asks on the possibility for access to remote users. DA says is under discussion between DA and ITDM to extend the service but no decision has been made. 
It will anyway need access to online clusters.  

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00