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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 155     Entry time: 26 Aug 2020, 13:49
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 26.08.2020 
General Announcement:
-  XO is looking forward to receive today the Delivery and Operator tables from the instruments.

- CTRL has carried out the time server deployment with newest version for devices and upper channels. 
- Nothing else severe to report.

- Working with HED on recording data - ongoing today.
- K. Wrona states that should be treated as experimental issue. An offline discussion will take place in defining how to interpret and run in the proper way.

- The implementation of SA3 pre-absorber into the Interlock system was done, tested and it is working.

- Systems are running well.

- Graphite filter in SA1: SPB has checked and found out the graphite filter is not damaged. The crack related to an attenuator. 
XPD will find an agreement/compromise for operation at higher energies when filter is retracted due to the wave-front distortions for the hard X-ray in SA1 and SA2. 
XPD needs more info from instruments. Discussion will follow.
- XGM resonances: a clarification is made that no matter which gas it is there is a resonance. Exchanging gases requires XPD to make an intervention for about 1 hour.
This has to be taken into account when, e.g. SCS and SQS require such changes.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- The Karabo GUI for SA3 is redesigned due to the presence of the pre-absorber. XRO will be happy in hearing comments and suggestions.

- All Laser working accordingly to the specifications.

- All is fine.

- Operation going fine.
- Timing team found 2 issues: 1. Pulse pattern recording device seems not be synchronized with train IDs of other devices; 
2. Bunch arrival timing monitor has 25% repeated data (they have the same time stamp but different train IDs). 
K. Wrona says this may indicate there is no data. Robert Schaffer states the bunch arrival had no changes, so it seems to be another issue.

- Starting user experiment and all going fine; pump probe signal seems good and FXE thanks LAS for fixing it yesterday; Digitizer issue was resolved by CTRL yesterday.
- Bunch arrival monitor is also repeated showing same numbers for the different trains.

- All fine.

- DAQ tests ongoing.
- The Shot on demand for laser stopped working at 3:00AM today (BBP signals). It seems to be a PPU problem. Nerea J. will contact T. Preston to look into it.
- Trying to get the A0 monitor working. After restart uTCA it solved one out of 2 problems. HED need someone to look into it onsite at the instrument.

- Issue with pop-in imager last night: not allowing interlock. It has been under work now and is a similar issue as the SQS pop-in last week. This time it is the SCS-
XTD10 Pop-In IMG-PI (type I).
- Reducing SA3 bunches number were affecting SA1.

- Nothing to report. All good so far.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00