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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 154     Entry time: 24 Aug 2020, 11:39
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 24.08.2020 
General Announcement:
- The safety rules require the use of masks when moving around as well as the limitation on the number of allowed people per room. 
XO asks people to stick to rules of 1 person per office as well as using masks when working closely. 

- Few minor issues during the weekend. Major one related to SQS optical spectrometer which did not reach 10 Hz.
- Today an upgrade in the archiving system will take place. The update of timing servers for all SASEs will take this afternoon. 
The property “bunch pattern table” will not be filled anymore.

- Few OCDs calls were all manageable. DA reminds instruments and groups to let system online to be monitored.

- One OCD call during the weekend.
- Cabling with Detector group to happen.
- EEE asks if the SA3 interlock/pre-absorber will be tested today.

- Nothing to report.

- There was a problem with XTD2/SA1 graphite filter accordingly to Operation E-log entry. Maybe it got damaged between 20. and 21. This will be further investigated 
between XPD and SPB/SFX.

- 1 OCD call which was easily solved.

- Friday the Scratch system (for temporary data) was out of space and data were removed (70Tb). It may be a problem again and ITDM would like to remind people to keep 
data only for short time. 
There is 1.5 Petabytes storage with currently only 60Terabytes free space.
- An e-mail about this issue was sent to a distribution list stating that from 01/09 data will be removed. ITDM asks people to clean their data in the proposals 

- Preparing for ZZ accesses in XTD2 and in XTD10.

- SA1 laser is temporarily fixed with stable operation during the weekend. It required changes in software. This PP-laser is working and further exchanges are postponed. 
- LAS reminds that OCD calls regarding timing synchronization between laser pattern and beam must be addressed with CTRL OCDs.
- Jan G. offers assistance with 5Hz operation on diagnostic cameras. A. Galler suggests to include also EEE and CTRL in discussions.

- Nothing to report.

- Graphite issue: inserted on Tuesday for 15 keV and was in the beam for 4 days until Saturday. J. Gruenert says this is not wrong. An e-log entry was done by Romain 
- 1MHz images in camera worked during the weekend.

- Issues: 1. Electron bunch arrival monitor recording did not work; 2. When SASE3 changes to many bunches, then FXE sees decreased intensity; 3. PP-laser seems not 
suitable for our operation. 
- For #1, ITDM will have a look in it; For #2, this will be discussed with machine; For #3, further discussions will happen in separate meeting.

- No issues: Split delay line is under commissioning. It was quite successful week.

- Successful week.
- The shot on demand feature was tested with EEE and CTRL.

- Issue with saving sample position.

- SA1 and SA3 interactions: FXE suffers when we have many pulses. M. Meyer proposes to have discussion with machine. 
A. Galler proposes to discuss during the machine meeting at 10AM and asks for additional info per e-mail.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00