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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 153     Entry time: 19 Aug 2020, 12:08
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 18.05.2020 
General Announcement:
- A. Galler reminds the audience on the daily informal BKR chat taking place at 15:00: link was sent by e-mail. 

- Tests on the HED bunch patter / 5Hz were done yesterday;
- Five devices related to the timing server will be re-started on Monday. This update of timing server shall be transparent.
- Other requests will be discussed separated in another rounds with respective involved groups.
- For Laser switch between SCS/SQS please call LAS OCD for troubleshooting (experts mean faster solutions). 

- DA reminds the group on its Redmine ticketing system that was implemented in February and helps on the planning and scheduling of activities. Instruments are encouraged 
to use the DA ticket system.

- Initial test with HED 5 Hz pulse on demand went successfully yesterday.
- Missing crate in HED will be installed.
- SCS installation of cables will be done. 
- The special trigger for overlapping bunch in SQS was fixed this morning. CTRL was asked to prepare another parameter in Karabo. 
This shall be OK and tomorrow it shall be fine to use the adjusting the timing. S. Hauf points a device has to be adjusted. 
- A. Galler informs the tentative date for the SEPS update will be next Monday. 

- ZZ done on Monday to check status of SA3 devices.

- X-ray PES undergoing tests at Petra-III / Desy.
- A SQS pop-in could not be driven out of the limit switch this night. This was solved in the morning (back to work) and it was related to a problem with motor counts. 

- Preparation for user run at SQS: still some data to be taken with DSSC but it has been under work.

- Together with CTRL and DA, it was set dedicated server for logging in to get more insight in the experiment. 
- In the main page of user proposal there is a permanent Zoom link to be used for communication with users. It stays for 2 weeks: SQS is working and other two experiments 
will be set today.
- In addition each experiment will have a dedicated zoom room.

- SA1 M1 continues stay in place. By the other side, XRO would like to ask for a ZZ to complete the chiller level.
- Interlock tests in SA3 did not happened (changing of Interlock from GATT to pre-shutter) Z. Ansari informs that from her side it can take place on Monday 24th.

- SA1 laser: the front-end is switching off in regular base (3x since Monday). There is not enough power for experiment. 
Meeting with manufacture take place today at 10 to build strategy to investigate and decide next steps. LAS will inform next steps. 
PP-laser is expected to be working for this and coming weeks. 
- SA3 Amphos: it can be operated. A final fix will be done in the in next blue weeks or during winter shutdown. 
- SA2 laser is fine.

- Nothing to report.

- Working on CRL alignment and also testing of camera. 
- Some alignment activities were interrupted due to the Laser issue. At 20% lower energy, it is not enough. Impact on commissioning if laser is not back may affect user 
experiments later. 

- Nothing to report.

- Commissioning of the split delay line: lower branch is successfully done.

- Setting up for experiment; few issues with diodes.

- Nothing to report.
- XO reminds the protocol to increase bunch numbers out of what is agreed on the delivery tables: 1. try to discuss with other experiment first; 2. call the PRC.

- The zoom account was tested last night.
- Meeting with DET today. 
- All are going fine.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00