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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 152     Entry time: 14 Aug 2020, 10:40
Author: Andreas Galler 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 17.08.2020 
General Announcement:
- An informal Run coordinators' BKR chat to exchange ideas happens every day at 15:00. 
It is a forum in case technical and scientific people wish to make formal requests. XO will send an e-mail with Zoom link.
- XO would like to ask instruments to pay attention to the parameters of the Delivery and Operators table, especially regarding the bunch limits for the North branch.
Ideally we shall discuss one week before beam delivery.
- H. Sinn notices that if SPB move some motors, this is temporarily cutting SA3 beam due to MPS. SQS has not observed this effect. Harald will further investigate. 
Adrian M. says SCS impacts SPB in different ways.
- A. Galler mentions that SRP/task force will distribute updates related to the currently raising Covid issues.

- One group of motors at the same SCS/PLC was not accepting changes. A re-start with servers in small loops must help.
- Timing servers (switching off archive): CTRL wants to perform today or tomorrow morning the installation of the new version. Nobody seems against it.

- Nothing to report.

- EEE understand the team request regarding the 5 Hz trigger will be done tomorrow.
- EEE waits for confirmation of SEPS update, possibly happening today or tomorrow. XO mentions Z. Ansari will be able to confirm today after lunch time.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.

- XO inquires on the DSSC activities in SCS: DET says it may be delayed a bit due to other activities; DET got a ticket regarding operation; DA believes the DSSC was 
running and used.

- Comment on DSSC: it was used but we shall not forget that on the first day there was not a preparation and we could expect hiccups.
- A faulty memory module must be replaced and the exflgateway will be shut down shortly for this activity at around 12:00. An e-mail will be sent but nobody seems against 
to it. 

- Nothing to report.

- SA3 AMPHOS photodiodes still has problems. System is partially working and can be operated. LAS knows beam size and pointing do not change but not if loses power. 
AMPHOS is contacted. 
The consequence is that switching ON and OFF takes more time because it is done manually. Further measurements will be done and SA 3 instruments will be updated 
- LAS informs its OCD team is not responsible for synchronization issues. 
- SA1 and SA2 lasers are fine.

- Small issues with SA3 PLC crashes: SA3 is operated without first cells. A re-start of the servers is needed, probably today or tomorrow. UNSYS will inform SCS and SQS 
when this is fixed. 

- Nothing to report.

- FXE says that SQS will need to perform some tests: this will be discussed in separate round.

- All fine.

- Data recording on Saturday night was not saved. Shift crew realized at the end of the shift that it was not saved - main data for the shift. 
- ITDM investigated the issue after ticket arrived yesterday. It confirms data was not recorded and can't see why this happens as ticket arrived late. Even the folder of 
the data was not recorded. 
For the future: there is an assumption to look at the data every few minutes. ITDM will share procedures. Further discussions on flexibility for different systems/setups 
have to be done.
- HED says the 5Hz test must be tomorrow by the morning. XO states that currently this is only a test then we will see what happens. HED has this understanding.
- HED has recorded several hundreds of microns in horizontal jitter. XRO says that it is important to work together for investigating the jitter. 
HED will send the data to XRO and/or the coordinator of stability task force.

- Not present.

- Preparing next week user operation; still some problems with Zoom connection: SQS and ITDM will discuss the issue.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00