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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 151     Entry time: 12 Aug 2020, 10:52
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 12.08.2020 
General Announcement:
- Andreas G. thanks all instruments that have so far sent back to XO the cw35 Beam Delivery tables and reminds the missing ones to do so until Thursday (tomorrow).
- Jan G., as PRC, informs the access to SQS shutter will probably happen on next week. In case of possibility during this week he will directly inform the respective persons.
- Steve A. mentions on the timing related issues: it has been investigated with the help of instruments.
- XO asks groups for any time feedback on issues related to Covid rules, e.g. amount of masks. 
- Jan G. informs several members of XPD team (and also CTRL and ITDM personnel) will be working at PetraIII while performing beamtime, from Thursday until mid-next week. 

- Activities on GATT: Follow-up of Karabo update shows incompatibility with new version. CTRL, Raul and XO rolled back to the previous version and it works again.
- At around 8:00pm a notification service in SASE3 was sent: watchdogs went in unexpected state.

- Nothing special to report.

- Today we bring back the crate for MID/STL and we start with HED requested changes.
- XO thanks Nerea on yesterday's work of Interlock conditions for the solid attenuators in the tunnels. 
To protect the silicon screen first one has to insert the diamond screens. Nerea J. says this is in the motion loops and not EPS.

- Raul V. thanks for the quick reaction of CTRL and XO to solve the code of GATT (which is 2.5years old). 
If we have a chance during the next winter shutdown a change on the software system will be planned to permit the use of new Karabo versions.
- VAC has requested a couple of ZZ's for next days/weeks: on SQS shutter and other devices inspections.

- No incidents since Monday to be reported. However, last Saturday there was a downtime on the XTD1/XGM due to a high voltage setting. 
Probable cause was a wrong command at the DOOCS server. XPD believes it was a onetime incident and will look into it if it happens again.

- Working with Jungfrau in SPB; DSSC in SQS/SCS.
- Supporting other groups' activities.

- The DAQ update has been finished: so far it looks good.
- ITDM is ready to act but waits for more clarifications on the SRP requested work on Interlock. 

- Not present - group has helped with solid attenuators activities.

- Everything is running and interlock is set.

- Nothing to report.

- Detector program ongoing with Junfgrau and AGIPD.

- A ZZ was done to switch off the M3 cooling. The jitter has then reduced from 295u (RMS) to about 211u. FXE considers this only moderate jitter and will proceed with commissioning.
- Feedback system is fixed with parameters configurations – we are following it up to find when this was changed (if so).

- Issues with feedback Macro are observed and Robert S. investigates together with MID.

- Not present.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00