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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 15     Entry time: 04 Mar 2019, 10:38
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • Ongoing discussions with the support groups to organize the shutdown activities.Update of the shutdown task list could eventually be provided.
  • X-Ray interlock system had issues in the WE and needed to be re set. Not clear why this happened.
  • Problem with Karabo freezing. CAS contact person ihas been involved and is working on the issue. This is related to the calibration running.





  • Fast diodes needed on the WE. HW and Software support required and ongoing. ==> Successful
  • CY called for a  meeting on monday to collect all the requirements for the epix det to work. The det will be then tested in the common lase room. Karabo interface change is required. It will take 3 weeks.==> Epix has been moved back to the common laser room for proper testing and commisisoning. Several tasks have to be accomplished to try to make the detector work for the April's run. CY is basically organizing the technical commissioning.


OPT Lasers




  • A pump for the GATT in SASE 3 had to be treplaced (borrowed from SPB).
  • Solid ATT in XTD 1 has issues with control valves. Being fixed now with a ZZ access.


  • Probably the timing update planned for this morning will not be needed anymore. BF will send a notification mail.
  • there are many activities planned for the next shutdown and priorities will need to be set . PSPO agreed on sending the preliminary task list to the support groups so that they can start having an overview.


  • Failure of the logbook during the night: Also one partition failed. Not clear why. Everything has been fixed and is back to normal.
  • Simultaneous operation of all the instruments generates competition of the resources. Priorities to be set.
  • Calibration pipeline: Only 1 server in place. POssible issues when operationg MID and SPB agipd at the same time... DET should look into that.
  • SPB requested to restart the DAQ before every shift. This can be done but it requires experts from DET and SPB to be present and to perfome some checks. This is now not always the case. To be discussed ho to find a short term solution.





  • Test Karabo 2.4.0. ongoing. Ongoing
  • List of loop updates for PLCs has to be issues by AE to CAS as soon as the activities are known.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00