General Announcement:
- XO discusses the need for sharing information.
- support calls
- small movements cause errors on MC2 motors, fis is going to be tested today and it will be communicated when ti is going to beployed
- swithcing to influxDB only logging, if not heard otherwise then this should happen this afternoon (Monday)
- switching to influxDB in SA1, SA2 and SA3 to follow as well
- notification service updated such, that only more serious messafe are being send out
- cable installations in this week at HED, should start from tomorrow, 1.5 days (Jörn)
- few OCD calls,
- soft mono in SASE3, motor not working
- mirror
- FXE motor runs into emergency stop --> fixed in the latest PC framework, but FXE is running an earlier version
- Thursday, OCD was not scheduled, despite some calls
- bug for big detectors in DAQ had been addressed and should be deployed soon
- this bug seems to also affect some slow detectors
- only happens when there is no slow data added to the aggregator
- data reduction effort
- one outcome: record bunch pattern in every run
- instruments are asked to include the datasource XXX_timing
- SH comments: in the future the bunch pattern information will be made available in the pipeline
- some recommissioning last week
- sometimes mirrors are not moving
- good run for the first wek
- trouble with detector, not being able to record darks -> fixed next day
- issue with a device that checks correct datasources
- FXE imager EPS interlock issue
- FXE imager EPS interlock issue
- successful week
- a couple of OCD calls
- CTRL, EEE, DET, everything solved
- AGIPD trainID offset by 1 wrt to the XGM
- karabo update --> changes are incompatible with existing scenes
- e.g. number of digits
- SH comments that it would be appreciated if those issue were reported to CTRL
- no issues
- MC2 motor update, is that going to be done today?
- SH: yes and if possible for HED, then 11:30 - 13:30 would be the preferred time window.
- exit slits did not move --> EEE OCD could help
- SCS requests tthat components are tested before tunnels are closed
- Navitar didn't work
- focussing lens lost position
- when component software is updated/upgraded, SCS would liek to see a test
- NG comments: motor parameters are sometimes wrong
- If things need to be modified, test beforehand