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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 145     Entry time: 22 Jul 2020, 09:22
Author: Andreas Galler 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: XO integration meeting 22.07.2020 

General Announcement:

  • Default beam positions are being implemented for each SASE at the FEL imager to reduce re-alignment offers for the instrumetns after shutdowns and facility development weeks


  • minor OCD calls
    • 6541, 6542
  • few MC2 motors not working -> target velocity was set to 0
  • in SA1 the bunch pattern changes @10 Hz --> data logging system (with timers) gets overloaded ...
    • if this was to become a normal mode of operation, the system would need to be adpated --> as for now bunch pattterns are not logged anymore
  • remote user access to karabo
    • soo to be tested with SQS
  • inlfuxDB
    • FXE 95% migrated, probably 100% at the end of the day
    • LAS SA1 100% migrated
    • MID, SCS shall reply when migration is possible (causes a short down time of datalogging)
    • SPB, HED shall reply s.a.



  • nothing to report


  • issue with encoders in SPB --> some errors had been disabled --> checks for cable lengths (OCD call)
  • SQS interloop comunication working? EEE, yes, need to investigate
  • N. Jardon reminds about the default parameter procedure
  • pre shutter in SA3 works commence when Zunaira, Martin and Maurizio


  • nothing to report


  • intervention Monday in SA3, PES is operational


  • no issues


  • last week new DAQ deplyoed in HED, FXE and SPB and tunnels, the three other instruments had been delayed
    • MID today, SQS yesterday
  • scratch space in gpfs --> running out of space --> data needs to be removed
    • procedure not yet agreed upon
    • all involved parties should identify data that can be removed from scratch
    • 100 TB are left
  • internal proposals for commissioning time needed
    • in the future please prepare those in advance


  • during the weekend, XRO was recommissioning of the beam transport
    • some qctivities were completed on Tuesday, M3 repositioned from damaged spot
    • recommissioning is completed --> however small problems are to be expected over the frst few days, please contact XRO


  • no issues


  • cell 33 in SA2 communication crippled, ZZ planned for next monday


  • reasonably succesful first night with beam, instrument aligned with alignment laser
  • tunnel EPS system --> the FXE_XTD9_popin blocked SPB to 1 pulse
    • MPS signals from SPB might be masked by the machine -> needs to be checked
  • 1 OCD call to EEE
  • dMigration to influxDB can be done


  • re align beam to FXE pop in
  • mono re alignment
  • issue with FastValva --> naming convention on the PLC level had been changed, now only capital letters are allowed --> Bernard is looking into this
  • tunnel project using step function with motors throws an error on the slot
    • CTRL is workig on a fix already, it happens for very small steps
    • J. Nardon: was also reported by SQS
  • all TView devices had to be restarted as they were out of sync


  • alignment went smooth, until diagnostic endstation
    • data loggers are fine today to migrate to influxDB
      • Steffen aims at afternoon
  • pre shutter
    • for CRL2 not possible to laign as the pre shutter always moved in
      • XRO looks into it


  • beamline aligned
    • beam profile excellent in fornt of hutch
      • spatial jitter present, and horizontal movement
    • mirror feedback macro not working
  • XGM investigation together twith Theo
  • IPM didodes are not read out --> comment by Peter, check the timers


  • no issues


  • beam from around noon, beamline aligned, set points on imagers need to be re found



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00