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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 144     Entry time: 20 Jul 2020, 14:18
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 20.07.2020 
General Announcement:
- Regarding Operation, VAC and PRC had a workaround to restore the North branch beam permission on Sunday. 
- XTD9 Turnstiles were not working this morning for ZZ access planned by FXE. 
During the meeting we heard the information that Michael Prollius / SRP has fixed it by rebooting the computer. 

- Since Wednesday CTRL had one OCD call regarding the SA3/GATT gauges and controller configuration.
- SQS server - issues with interactions. Work ongoing.
- INFLUX roll out: test on CAS monitor topic is successful. For the double loggers, there will be an impact of 5-10 minutes down time when login. 
This will happen on FXE (2x10min without data): it is OK for FXE and for LAS today. IF that is successful, CTRL will contact other instruments.

- Nothing to report

- It has been working on the follow-up of HED topics.
- EEE OCD had a call on the SA3/GATT gauge controller.

- Severe trouble with SA3 GATT: damage on the gauge controllers was a result of series of problems.
- Bearing of a downstream booster pump make vibration and developed two leaks; then pressure went bad; 
vacuum gauges showed wrong numbers and resulting in electronic damage in the controller cards.
- The booster pump was exchanged on Friday; on Sunday a leak test found a broken vacuum welding and part was removed. 
Currently ZM3 at Desy is fixing it. Expected to be ready for tunnel installation by 10AM.
- Sunday from 13:00: the GATT was in UHV mode to allow beam permission and lasing in SA1 and SA3 up to Monday 6AM.
- Currently XTD10 is open for GATT repair and PES exchange of turbo pump.
- CTRL mailing service worked quite well: an alarm e-mail of GATT fault was sent every 12 hours.

- SA3/XGM valve was also OFF on Friday. Martin Dommach will contact Theo while in tunnel.

- Business as usual.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present due to the night shift for beamline transport alignment activities.
- F. Wolff-Fabris informs the pre-shutters are commissioned by XRO during Sunday's shift.

- Nothing to report

- Nothing to report

- Work is ongoing.

- Preparing for beam operation: no big problems.
- Thursday we reported issues with motors not moving. EEE helped and it was found the current of the motors were not correctly migrated. 
Now motors are working. Currents were set too low - this no risk of damage.

- Preparing for beam.

- Preparing and checking equipment.

- Preparing for beam tomorrow.
- FFT end station problems reported last week are solved.

- Waiting for the beam.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00