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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 143     Entry time: 17 Jul 2020, 10:19
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 15.07.2020 
General Announcement:
- SASE3 tuning will start this afternoon and possibly will last until Thursday afternoon. SCS and SQS will share the closures of their hutches.

- Swap server of one of the two Karabo GUI servers for SA1 (mail to readiness): suggestion is to do Friday 9-10AM. Please let CTRL know in case you have any issue.
- Status on INFLUX roll-out: testing to take place at the end of this week. A coordination with SA1 has to take place due to the running macros. 

- Not present.

- EEE is working in FXE and HED with the open issues.
- EEE gives an update of the discussed points on Monday:
   Communication: From now on EEE will include the contact persons, as well as to the instrument mailing list.
   SA1 motors in OFF state: after a PLC update the safest configuration for re-start is bringing them back in OFF state. EEE will continue with this procedure. 
If instruments want differently, please make a list of devices that has to be changed.
   HED issue: EEE is talking with Konstantin and found it was just a misconfiguration.
   HED pump controller: Konstantin is already working together with VAC;
   XPD turbo pump in SA3: no relation with PLC update. Yesterday's ZZ showed that the pump has to be replaced.
- Nerea and Patrick will provide a write up to ensure the problems are followed up and solved.

- ZZ yesterday to install the Neon gas minican to allow the monochromator calibration in SCS/cw31.
- Exchange of PES turbo pump will take one day and break the interlock - North brunch will see no electrons and photons. 
A date has to be found in agreement with involved groups and facility's operation.

- Turbo pump in PES: pump itself is the problem. Vacuum beamline is safe but PES does not operate. We need the PES for some user experiments still in 2020. 
- Operation of beam in XTD6 was not possible with multi-bunch due to devices in the beam. We do not know if in reality they were in beam or not. 
Karen Appel confirms the devices were out of beam. This has to be followed up.
- This weekend, together with XRO, XPD will do the further recommissioning of beamlines and diagnostics. 

- Vacuum issue reported on last Monday was confirmed to be related to the gauge.
- Started with DAQ tests with instruments. All ongoing.

- Not present.

- Not present.

- SA2 laser maintenance taking place on Friday.

- Nothing to report.

- Preparations are going smoothly. All good in the SPB's plan.

- DAQ test with LPD deployment - all work fines but for one module need to be fixed in the detector. It is already under care;
- EEE/Bernard is finishing the loops.
- Monochromator commissioning next days (we need a ZZ to align the camera).

- It is scheduled MID DAQ test for Monday next week.

- Ulf will investigate with Konstantin on the EEE issues. In XTD6 there were two motors with wrong parameters configurations. HED will communicate directly with Nerea.

- EEE is needed to solve issue with the FFT end station.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00