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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 142     Entry time: 14 Jul 2020, 13:45
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 13.07.2020 
General Announcement:
- XO will reset the calendar invites for the XO Integration Meetings of Mondays and Wednesdays as well as for the User&Operation Meetings on Fridays. Usual times will be 
- Machine is on startup and the RF window will be 400us instead of 600us in the first 2-3 weeks. Instruments can expect about 160 bunches in this time.
- Instruments must take tunnel components out of beam path, especially in case they are connected to the EPS which could potentially block beam operation.
- XPD and HED report on turbo pumps that failed last week. One has to investigate of it is linked to the Karabo re-start due to the DESY-NOC activities last Tuesday. 
FXE also reports motors in tunnel components were OFF.

- Further investigations are ongoing with Basler cameras that did not start after Karabo reboot.

- Not present.

- Waits for feedback on the FXE XGM commissioning.

- Nothing to report.

- SASE XGMs are started and being operated. 
- Lasing in SASE2 was confirmed in the FEL-IMG; SA1 was lasing @2mJ last night.
- Re-alignment of SASE3 was not yet confirmed - no beam visible on the XGM or FEL IMG, only spontaneous radiation. 
- XPD did a successful DAQ test. 
- ZZ in XTD10 will be required to investigate failed PES pump. This will take place on Tuesday.

- Poor vacuum SPB/AGIPB last Friday: under investigation (may be a 40 gauge) and will be followed up next days. 

- New DAQ version was released to fix detectors and slow data acquisition: tested in SPB and FXE (Agipd and LPD). 
- This week ITDM makes upgrades in all instruments but MID takes place next week; SCS still needs to agree on the date for this week.

- Plan for the week is the recommissioning of the beam transport. XRO has shift plans for the weekend.

- All lasers are running.

- Nothing to report.

- Vacuum issue with the 40 gauge under investigation by DET.
- No big problems for the start of next week.

- DAQ test taking place today.
- XGM is going with the plan but for a cable that may need to be exchanged.
- Upgrade of Beckhoff system: motors were not moving. There is a lack of communication between the Beckhoff upgrade, control support and instrument scientists.

- Not present.

- HED had to check and/or entry the motor parameters after the reboot of the control systems that place motors in OFF state. 
CTRL informs the information must be stored in the PLCs / Karabo. It is solved but it demanded a lot of work during last week.

- Not present.

- Problems occurring with turbo pumps. There is a particular controller in one rack that had to be replaced 7 times in 2 years. 
EEE and SQS will investigate and do inspections on this rack. 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00