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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 136     Entry time: 25 Jun 2020, 10:27
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 24.06.2020 
General Announcement:

- Exceptionally next Friday the XO Intergration Meeting will not take place. The meeting will resume next Monday. 
Please send us an e-mail to in case of any issue.

- Details on the Interlock Tests: 
1. D3/SRP has the responsibility to carry on the tests; 
2. TS and XO (communication) are supporting groups; 
3. There is no rehearsal date; 
4. Tests on the Instruments/SASE wll take place on July 1st, 2nd and 3rd (reserve date); 
5. Access to the instruments and optics hutches is forbidden; 
6. Access to the laser rooms are not restricted, apart from the HED laser which needs clarification; 
7. Emergency off will be disabled on July 1st at 08:00AM. As soon as the emergency offs are tested, they can be enabled again; 
8. The participating EuXFEL Radiation Protection Officer can inform the instruments as soon as tests are ready with the respective SASEs for resuming access and work.

- Maurizio V. and Nerea J. mention that an EPS check must be scheduled prior beam delivery. XO will check with Zunaira/SRP on its status.
- Suren K. points the PKG in SA3 undulators is still switched off. TS shall switch it on prior tunnel closure.
- Suren K. asks on tunnel access for next weekend. XO states tunnels will be put in Interlock tomorrow (June 25th) and shall remain interlocked until the next shutdown.
Access to XTD6, XTD9 and (maybe) XTD10 can be done for few days after the interlock tests. Access to all other tunnels must be via ZZ. 
Tunnels will not be open for the weekend. (after the meeting DESY/MXL confirms this procedure).  

- Nothing to report.

- Working on small requirements with the instruments.

- SA1 VAC signal's issue from last Monday: it has been fixed. There was problems related to filter in the train-ID communication: the addresses were not properly set. 
- Cabling is ongoing on SCS; HED cabling waits for time/schedule for installation (to be discussed between EEE and HED); 
Cabling works ongoing with DESY-MPS which connect MID to PPS.

- Closing the activities - SA1 VAC signals are OK.

- Nothing to report.

- XO asks for an status on the MID/AGIPD train-ID issue from last Monday. S. Aplin and K. Wrona say it has to be further investigated as is not clear where the problem 
The DAQ gets data from AGIPB, DOOCS, Karabo, labelled with train-ID and the labeling have to be checked for consistence. This is not a new issue and has to be addressed 
in the frame of data reduction. 
- A clear independent signal has to be also checked. P. Gessler says it is needed to get various patterns for a complete understanding. A clear strategy to develop and 
address has to be made. 
- S. Aplin will overlook the efforts among different groups.

- DAQ installations: this morning a fix for big detectors is done; after leaving DAQ for longtime there are some issues that will be fixed next week. 
- Majority of acceptance tests are done - slow data is fixed.

- Everything is done. The last check on tunnels was performed. 

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Finished with the tunnel components check.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing o report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00