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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 135     Entry time: 23 Jun 2020, 14:12
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 22.06.2020 
General Announcement:
- The User & Operation Meeting that took place at beginning of this year on Fridays will re-start on July 10th. 
Proper announcement and Zoom link will be sent. In this context, the XO Integration Meeting will continue only on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

- Some of XFEL Elogs were not working during the weekend. ITDM is taking a look into the problem.
- SA1 Vacuum devices show some errors (not running). It seems the problems comes from the PLC and is under investigation. 
The controllers in the tunnel were OK and pumps were placed in safe state. 
This has affected all SA1 loop, at XTD2 and XTD9. Also the devices were not properly communicating.

- No issues to report.

- Issues with the SA1 VAC loop.
- Updates of timing systems affecting LAS were successfully done on Friday. EEE encourages people to report in case of problems. 

- Reporting on the SA1 VAC loop issue.

- Last Karabo update done on Thursday.

- No issues to report.
- MID observe a train mismatch between AGIPB and data sources such as SA2 XGM. The AGIPD has a shift of 1 train-ID. 
This issue involves several groups and coordination and solution still miss.
- LPD/FXE also takes the train info from clock control but shows no mismatch.

- Investigating the Elog access issue.

- Not present.

- Maintenance in SA3 and SA2 are done. All lasers are running.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report - checking the vacuum.

- Report on the AGIPD train-ID.

- Working with big lasers.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00