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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 131     Entry time: 12 Jun 2020, 13:48
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 12.06.2020 
General Announcement:
- There will be tunnel ventilation additional maintenance on two mornings next week from 6:30 to 8:00AM. An e-mail to Readiness list will be send when dates are known.
- There was again a situation that the interlock door between XTD4 and XTD10 was blocked open. SRP reminds all that please do not leave this door opened. 
Further investigation with Desy side will be done if this was a mistake done by an external company. 
- EuP training: Tobias Haas has extended trainings until end of August. There will be refreshers and first time trainings starting on week 26 as in-person EuP training.

- CTRL is done with 2.9.0 deployment - now DAQ and calibrations checks are ongoing.
- No major issues during deployment: still few devices need to be updated again; CTRL is working on it.

- DA has released new version of extract data. Documentation will be send around and people are invited to give feedback.

- Activities are running fine.
- PLCs side: this week there is migration for mc2 in SA2 - EEE ask people to crosscheck systems.
- Two cables in MID will be finished late next week (regarding personal interlock).
- EEE is conducting migration microTCA systems/crates: SA1 and balcony rooms.
- Timing for the Lasers updates has to be arranged with LAS. CTRL and EEE recommend making it during the shutdown. It needs green flag from LAS and Instruments. 
- Upgrade of firmware of timing system: this will not be done to avoid stop timing system for lasers. Tunnels are done.
- Puppetization work is ongoing. SA2 and SA1 tunnel remains to be completed at beginning of next week. 

- No issues to report.

- Follow up of SA2 mc2 migration: we recheck motors in tunnel; update scenes with CTRL.
- XPD is almost finished with large interventions.

- Test of Agipd with new Karabo is successful. The DSSC is also working.

- DAQ updates: to be started today or next week.
- Hardware updates in SASEs that ITDM will be performing.

- Nothing to report: XRO is finished with big installations. Only small tasks to be done next week.

- The broker update caused the timing in SA3 to be lost. It took several hours to bring up the system. 
- Updates in SA2 (affecting timing) will be performed next Tuesday.
- SA1 and SA3 have to be scheduled and it depends also on instrument's plans. 

- It has planned tests on the calibration of pipeline / DAQs for next week.

- It has upgraded to new Karabo and some controls will be updated today.

- Work ongoing as planned.
- CTRL test the influx data logger today and Monday and this causes loosing of information for few minutes. 

- Water incident in SA2: Water spills caused a flooded experimental hutch. TS have repaired and will check with the external company if systems have been exchanged. 
Such events must be avoided in future. 
- In many hutches there are water sensors in the floor which are not connected: TS and SRP shall take a look.
- Summer shutdown: there was scheduled task (presumably from Desy groups) on June 8-10th that nobody showed up. By the other side, suddenly someone was working inside the 
laser room. 
Ulf would like to see Desy people working with better planning and coordination. As positive, EEE tasks on microTCA are an example of good practice in communication and 

- Not present.

- No issue to report.
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