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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 128     Entry time: 05 Jun 2020, 13:44
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 05.06.2020 
General Announcement:
- Many summer shutdown tasks have been scheduled already and information has been sent to the groups with tunnel tasks.
- XO will not fully engage with tasks in the instrument Hall carried by the Instruments. Please contact XO if there are difficulties in organizing these works. 
- Be aware of date for potential power off: 22 June (MPS group runs upgrades that may trigger the emergency power off); 
- Be aware of date for hutch access restrictions: July 1st and 2nd (D3 will test interlock system in experiment hutches); 
3rd of July is a reserve date - please expect only limited access to the hutches due to this tests.
- Safety information: Desy is now recommending each person to take a FFP-2 mask for tunnel works to be used in case of close proximity work. 
EuXFEL will follow this rule: SRP has available masks and groups with tunnel activities can collect these masks with SRP
- A schedule for summer shutdown activities will be send soon to the readiness mailing list.

- CTRL has distributed schedule for updates. For example, the BKR machines will be performed on Tuesday; 
- The update of exflgateway will take place on Wednesday next week.

- Nothing to report.

- It is planned to perform the loop update for the MC2 library on Tuesday. 
- Changes requests on cabling are being finalized. 

- Currently carrying on the SA2 work on HED mono together with XRO on alignment; SA3 re-alignment activity is done; 
SXP installation is ongoing and preparing the exit slit installation.

- The DPS remaining problem in XTD2 is solved. Pressure is going down (<10e-8).
- Work on motor calibrations on HIREX: one (XTD6) to be done next week after migration library.
- For next week there will be activities of maintenance in the XTD10-PES.
- SA2 is operating until Sunday and machine is currently using 100pC bunch charge.
- Works on the clean rooms/labs are ongoing. Acceptance test on the new PES prototype may be finished today.

- Nothing to report - small issues have been worked and solved.

- Preparing shutdown activities that start on Monday: update of control servers together with CTRL; updating PC layer servers, computer clusters, etc... 
There shall be interruptions in the DAQs systems;
- Updating Karabo 2.9 and exflgateway: at the same time ITDM will update also Maxwell and reboot gateways to be taken place on Wednesday (joint effort CTRL, ITDM).

- Proceeding well: Mono in XTD6; vacuum in XTD9.
- Possible summer activities are on hold and XRO will inform XO accordingly.

- Laser down due to maintenance/updates: SA1 PP-laser on Tuesday 9/6; SA2 on Wednesday 10/6; and SA3 on Thursday 11/06.

- Works are going well.

- Nothing special to report.

- Nothing special to report.

- Activities on the Split and delay line (cleaning), on PP-laser, among others. No faced issues.

- Not present.

- No answer from external company on the active fiber.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00