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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 123     Entry time: 22 May 2020, 08:57
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 20.05.2020 
General Announcement:
- XO Integration Meeting will not take place next Friday 22.05 due to the bridge holiday.
- MPS group shared some info on the SA1 emergency power off event that happened last week. Further investigations are ongoing. 
- No conflicts have been reported for the activities on control network systems.
- Today 20.05 is the deadline for the groups to send via e-mail the updated summer shutdown tasks.
- MXL/Desy has planned to start on next Saturday and Sunday the SA2 photon search and operation.  

- CTRL works together with XPD in the Doocs images for the IMG devices. A new control update will be deployed. The data is no longer corrupted.
- Today CTRL is deploying Karabo9 at MID. This serves as a small scale test prior the deployment on the other parts/groups of EuXFEL. 
During the summer shutdown it will be deployed at the BKR photon computers. 

- Working with the Karabo deployment. 
- Group is available for data analysis and troubleshooting in devices, e.g. the Detectors.

- EEE reminds the cables in the MPS room still remain to be connected (linked to the emergency off event of last Friday). 
MPS group do not know yet when this will be done. As soon as XO know it will be informed.
- SQS cabling installation is done. FXE cabling work has started: it has an open issue with HV cables but it will be solved today. 
Over lengths of cables are currently stored in the instruments but will be moved later. 

- Working in tunnel activities: MID pre-shutter; SA3 re-alignment ongoing.
- SA3 re-alignment: today we end at the PES - work ongoing accordingly to the plan. Upstream side of the gas attenuator will start on next Monday.
- No issues to report.

- XPD is finishing XTD2 and XTD9 tunnels works: water cooling, pumps, boxing electronics; XPD will try to do activities in XTD10 in parallel with the re-alignment.
- All working fine - an updated file for the summer shutdown list will be send later today.

- The AGIPB detector at MID was re-started yesterday.
- SPB detector will be tested today or Friday (complete test after the emergency off event).

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report. No damages due to the emergency off event but still has to test the detectors.

- Nothing to report - no damage associated to the emergency off event.

- It is planned to check the power modes. 
- MID gets confirmation it can access XTD6 today.

- Not present.

- Not present.

- Just protective rules on the OFF buttons were changed - nothing has been done on the functionality side.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00